Stories Of The Prophets – 08 ~ Hud (AS) #WeHaveAllah #muftimenk

Stories Of The Prophets – 08 ~ Hud (AS)

Thank you for visiting my channel, I hope you are always under the protection of Allah SWT and your sustenance is cheap.

Aamiin Yaa Robbal Alamin…

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1 thought on “Stories Of The Prophets – 08 ~ Hud (AS) #WeHaveAllah #muftimenk”

  1. Bismilllahirahman neeraheem ASALAMU ALAIKUM Warahmattulahi Wabarakatuhu Shiekh My Children are taking me for a Drive Maaf Shiekh they Coming. 9 30 P.M. WE Should Thank. Allah for everything. What we have and. What we have Achieved and we should not think what we have and Achieved belongs to us All and everything belongs to Allah the most High we must give Sadaqa and. Provide all our people in this intire World 🌎 May Allah grant us Tougheed and respect each other for the sake of Allah. Shiekh any person that's over 70 Should always think Of there death life is Short so if you depart from this World you Should have. no grudges Hatred towards Each other We Should Appreciate our parents and Specialy your family and your Niebhour s its so annoying to see how people can become arrogant and dis respect there parents and there family s To please Allah you.ll have to repent a d ask for forgiveness We Should ask Allah to provide our Ummah and Ummati for some one. to send there Clients to assist these people that's going trough a hardship and having no daily sustainable. Food water Medical care ectetra all other Nessaties they really need warm Clothing Blankets and shelter as well Aameen whoever is going to assist these Ummah and Ummati inneed Allah wl l give you so much Barkah and khair Aameen Laailaha Eilaa Anta Subhana Eenee Qoontoom Meenaaz Zaaleemeen Allhuma Eenee wah Zikrika WA Shukrika wah Husna Ibaaditik Qooloo Allah hu Ahad Aallaahu Samad Lamyaleed walam yoo lad walam yaa Qoolahoo Qufuwan Ahad Allah hu LaaEilaha Eillalah laahu Wal hayool Qauum Lataaguthu Sinathu wa LA Nouman Maafisamawati wama fil ard Manzalazee Yashfahu eendaoo Eilaa Beeizni yaalamu Maabaina Aaideehim Wama khalfahoom Wala yoohi tuna Beeshayeen Eeleemnee Eilaa Bee maashaah wasiya Qurseeyoos Samawaatee wama feel ard walaa yahoodu Efthahooma wahoowal Aleeyool Azeem Allah Hafiz


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