Stop self sabotage in its tracks (by catching this ONE sneaky trick from your ego!)

One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is
“This is how it’s always going to be” or “this will be my future”
And those thoughts will bring our healing journey to a screeching halt, taking us out of growth-mode and settling us firmly into #coping mode.
The fact is, this lie is trying to help keep you safe…but it’s not real. The only thing that keeps you from becoming the person you desire to be, from creating the life you desire, from creating and keeping the kind of healthy relationships you desire…
Is the dedication you’ve shown to keeping this lie alive.
I say this from experience, because I just caught myself keeping this lie alive in my own life, and it wasn’t until someone very dear to me called it out that I finally saw it for what it was, my ego trying another tactic to sneak through with another self-preservation gambit.
I had to have someone call me out, and this is me (lovingly) calling you out. Happy healing 💗

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