Today we’re kicking off our Rogue Trader Let’s Play! We’ll be entering the Universe of WARHAMMER 40,000 in the setting’s first CRPG. It’s still in Alpha so we begin in chapter 2 and we’ll continue as far as it lets us. Enjoy!

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Begin your journey in the first classic computer roleplaying game set in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. Become a Rogue Trader, a scion of an ancient dynasty of daring privateers that reign over their trade empire and explore the fringes of the Imperium’s frontier.

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25 thoughts on “STOP QUIVERING, UNWASHED WORM | Alpha #01 | WARHAMMER 40k: Rogue Trader”

  1. AAAARGH, I don't want to spoil RT for myself, but it's Janet on Occasion doing it!

    Also already laughing at the graphics options, very nice!

    EDIT: I do hope they expand the character creation. Also, if this game is anything like the RT games I've played, Willpower is king, no matter your Career.

  2. Oooh, what a great reason to whip out my Rogue Trader rulebooks! So here come (more than) a few comparisons to the rpg:
    Interestingly Rogue Trader was a career (class) of it's own, so their occupations as subclasses are newly creatd for this. The book recommended having one player in your party take that career. Alternatively it had to be a game master controlled NPC. For the Rogue Trader class there were actually 5 homeworlds: Void Born, Forge World, Hive World, Imperial World and Noble Born. Fortress World wasn't a thing, but there were more in Into the Storm and ones you could port over from Dark Heresy (including feudal world). Due to the layout Death World was the only Homeworld not available to Rogue Traders under normal circumstances.
    The significant event in the characters history seems to replace the other steps on the origin path, which really are rather similar to Darktide's character creation: Birthright, Lure of the Void, Trials and Travails and Motivation. The last step would be selecting the career, which ofc is fixed to Rogue Trader here. Into the Storm also added the lineage step.
    BTW, the TT PRG distinguishes Navigators from "real" psykers. They have the third eye, an organ that can peer into the warp but their mind doesn't directly interface with it. So they're far more safe.
    Interestingly. this doesn't seem to go for the 1 action per turn thing (there are plenty of half and free actions, so it's actually more like 2 1/2) of the RPG.
    Profit factor also worked very differently on the table. It was a value you tested against when trying to aquire things (wutg approporiate modifications). Buying and selling wasn't a big part of the game as you were so filthy rich and influencial that (most) individual items didn't even have a relevant value, heck not even entire shipments at times. Requisition points don't exist there. Overall profit factor represents the influence, power and wealth of you dynasty. So raising it basically was the goal of everything you did.

    Overall FFG's 40k RPGs were very similar to WFRP (except 3rd, funnily enough) but you could count them as an edition of their own I guess. There were several (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Onlywar and Dark Crusade I think) all running on the same core system, intentionally designed for cross-compatibility (though at drastically varying power levels).

    I wonder if the Xenos invasions are done by the Rak'Gol. They are an aggressive Xenos specific native to the Koronus Expanse. Sadly I feel like it will be some 40k proper force, although the overlap between the different figurative corners of the galaxy between that and Rogue Trader should be limited. This is not Deathwatch or Onlywar after all. Imho things like 40k roleplay (obviously), Kill Team and Blackstone Fortress would be better inspirations.

  3. Will there b voices in the final version?
    I hope so, if its good moody ones, love dialogue and voices and music in mechanicus.
    Can't say im into it much for now, mb id prefer just branching main story missions with best flavor and punch.
    Seems tedious lines idk


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