Stop Making Jurassic Park Movies

Not every movie needs a sequel.

It seems that unfortunately YouTube has compressed the 5.1 surround sound output and made it much quieter than intended, so you may need to crank the volume a bit more to hear it properly on your home system. This was an experiment of mine as it was my first time using surround audio from these movies, and my first time using Davinci Resolve.

I also regret to inform you of a few render artefacts (glitchy frames) in this video – they are the fault of YouTube and are *not* present in the raw video file on my drive. Thanks, YouTube!

I may have forgotten a few things in the credits, but they were all things I mentioned by name in the video anyway (ARK, Spider-Man 2 and 3, etc.) although I did completely forget to mention Free Guy and Mitchells vs the Machines. Look man, I just wanted to finish this thing, my bad. I’ve been working on this video for months.


00:00 Introduction
04:50 The Lost World
10:19 Jurassic Park 3
14:22 Jurassic World
21:05 Fallen Kingdom
26:00 Battle at Big Rock
26:19 Camp Cretaceous
28:28 Dominion
38:23 World Trilogy Wrap-Up
43:32 Paleo-accuracy and believability
49:49 Blockbusters, shills, and Funko Pops
55:52 What should Jurassic Park have done?
59:21 Conclusion



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30 thoughts on “Stop Making Jurassic Park Movies”

  1. Jurassic Park and The Lost World, I love.
    I obviously love Jurassic Park the Best!

    Jurassic Park 3's really dumb, but a Guilty pleasure.
    As some of the Effects are legit really cool to look at.

    Jurassic World, while just being action and Nonesense is slowly becoming a Guilty Pleasure of mine too.
    Seeing as how my Nostalgia from nearly ten years ago is slowly fading away.

    Everything after has just no redeeming Qualities.
    And I could not agre with you more. Jurassic Park Sequels need to stop.

    EDIT: This at 53:39 Made me gag in real life…

  2. Oh wow, this was great.
    Now, some backstory here, ever since you said on Discord that you were making this video, I never exactly cared, since I not a huge fan of JP, felt like it would be something to put on the background while I do something else, but I was impressed and couldn't not focus on the video, even if I'm not really familiar with the topic at hand, you still did a great job explaining it from Point A to Point Z with good narration skills, and using JP as a buildup for what's happening in the current movie landscape was genius because I too am sick of current movie trends, you could say this video was just like the first JP, had a perfect ending with the comparison of the opposite end, Back To The Future.
    Ngl, I think I prefer this over the Sonic videos, and I hope this blows up/does good for you because I really want you to have an incentive to make more non-Sonic videos, hoping for more, even if editing is a pain in the ass, trust me, I know, but we all have to go through hard shit.
    Anyway, great video, keep it up.

  3. Excellent work! Hope this gets lots of viewership, especially for its final message about Hollywood's bad habits in the modern day. I can really feel your enthusiasm for that first film, here.

  4. JPOG music coming in clutch.

    This was a wonderful video Caelum. It completely sums up how a majority of us Jurassic Park fans feel.

    It's crazy how even I, someone who enjoys JP3 because it's so bad, found no enjoyment in the Jurassic World movies.
    Again nice work!

    P.S. We all just LOVE the Stygimoloch

  5. The only Jurassic movie I've seen is World, which I thought was very dull and boring. And I don't really care about dinosaurs at all. But this was a good watch.

    I almost feel like I didn't need to watch it, though. Even just glancing the series from a distance, I could tell what's happened to it. Because it's the exact same thing that's happened to nearly every long running franchise. You could make this exact same video about Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc. Mainstream Hollywood movies are mostly a joke.

    However, the unfortunate reality is that people will buy-in to something simply for having the logo of the thing they like. And since entertainment is a business, of course companies are going to capitalize on that fact. It is unavoidable. So at the very least, I would like to see that taken advantage of in a positive way, rather than just cynically to make money. The way I see it there are 3 ways to do unnecessary sequels.

    1: Make something true to the original vision. The best and rarest form. But there are some examples in recent years. Creed and Shin Godzilla are great movies that are in line with their originals, while also being quality movies in their own right.

    2: Use the IP to get interest in something people would not watch otherwise. A great alternative if wanting to take a series in a new direction. The recent Planet of the Apes trilogy is a great example. Very different than the thing they are based on, getting interest because of the connection to something so famous, but then being movies that stand up on the fact that they are really good movies that are actually about something. Their quality has nothing to do with the IP. They are just good movies that would have gone unseen had they not had the Planet of the Apes name. Essentially tricking people into watching a good movie they would have no interest in otherwise.

    3: Make some soulless cash grab garbage to exploit nostalgiac drones who will like anything that with familiar imagery. Exactly what this video describes.

  6. Very great video I thought you made a lot of valid points and while I don't necessarily want this franchise to end I did end up agreeing with a lot of things you said. Overall I think we can both agree that this franchise was great and that Spielberg's original vision will always be remembered. Anyways have a good day and take care!

  7. Fantastic video! I've never seen a video so articulately describe the ongoing murder of beloved franchises by modern Hollywood. Great job to you and all others involved! Keep up the great work!

  8. yeah, this is why I didn't give a crap after the 2nd Jurrasic world movie. Me and my brother were kinda disappointed and stopped caring after that. They've milked it too much that now it's become a mess. Honestly, nothing's going to beat the OG. Great vid btw

  9. 1. Back to the future trilogy wasn’t even financially successful lol atleast Jurassic movies are financially successful.
    2. The fact you said JWCC season 1 was subpar itself is enough to discard your opinion. It was a successful animated tv show which was number 1 for two weeks and in top 10 for like 5 weeks.
    3. Nobody is fucking forcing you to watch Jurassic movies so if you don’t like just stfu and move on with your life

  10. I only ever saw the first movie and the first World, and despite seeing both once, I still remember loving the first JP and I have never once thought about JW besides remembering that I saw it when it came out, and not being able to recall a single thing about it. Great video! Learned a lot from this, and agree with the conclusion. I saw it said in a tweet almost exactly the way you described it, was something like "The generation that made Star Wars and Jaws type movies were inspired by a variety of things they saw in their youth, and the generation that grew up with Star Wars and Jaws just made more of them."

  11. I understand where you are coming from…but at the same time, i have to disagree with every point you mentioned with the Jurassic World trilogy. My gripe with this video is that you didn't even mentioned that if we liked the movies, it should be fine. I have friends who loved the JW trilogy as much as i do. And no, this is not because of nostalgia bias or anything like that, it's because i actually do think that the JW trilogy are good movies in my personal opinion.

  12. I disagree, I think we should have a spinoff series with the Stygimoloch because we all just love the stygimoloch.

    Other than that though, excellent video. It's a shame that you're going to get annihilated for daring to say that thing I enjoy should end because you hate me enjoying things.

  13. This was your best video yet. This really speaks to the soul of the original Jurassic Park fans who have to deal with this corporate shlock. Exactly as you said, BTTF has remained relevant and popular despite only having a trilogy that ended in 1990. Here's hoping we get a big budget Jurassic PARK game for the 30th!

  14. As someone with little to no experience with the Jurassic Park series, this video was a fascinating watch! No doubt I'll have to give the first a watch at some point in the near future. The point about Back to the Future I find especially compelling as someone who loves that series. BTTF is, indeed, a great example on how to keep a property alive without tarnishing its legacy by exploring it in other mediums and steadfastly refusing to tarnish the original vision with unnecessary additions.

  15. They can make another good Jurassic Park movie. They just need the right writers and the right plot and to start at ground 0. There is one Jurassic Park movie and you go from there. Not a reboot. Just an outright erasure of the franchise. Also it should be a show that centers on expanding on the intrigue and wonder around the original park movie. How it was made. Who was involved. What else is there and became of it. No fan-baiting. No nostalgia bait. Just more world building.

  16. I honestly wish all these ultra nostalgic people would just let go of their nostalgia, I know that sounds harsh or that I am just being pretentious. But a lot of those people really don't allow new ideas or series shine, especially movies. It's not like a lot of these films are just going to get up and walk away, I just want more variety in theaters again. Not just another star wars or marvel film…


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