Stellaris Ground Combat Rework Incoming

Stellaris 3.8 is bringing a rework to ground combat. No longer will you even need to build armies or set foot on foreign planets, if you don’t want to. We also have a whole host of changes coming to Stellaris from the Paradox Arctic studio.

It’s not the rework people wanted, but it’s the rework they deserved.

Lets dive in and find out more!

Montu Plays Community Discord:

Montu Plays Multiplayer Deathmatch 1 rules:

0:00 Intro
1:38 Open Beta Released
2:21 Hello Offe
3:45 Army Planner
4:53 Rally Troops
6:42 Bombardment Rework
7:23 Planetary Surrender
8:34 Surrender Acceptance Policy
9:27 Ground Combat Balance
15:50 Science Ship Automation
17:14 Capital Designations
20:11 Fleet Manager Rework
23:16 Sector Editor
26:24 Rebindable Keys
27:06 Message Notification Rework

Stellaris Dev Diary 295:

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45 thoughts on “Stellaris Ground Combat Rework Incoming”

  1. … I am now terrified of AI Federations cheesing me with mass orbital bombardment and instantly capturing my planets without every building armies. Now, in most of my games they seemed to simply materialize armies out of nowhere, but at this point they won't even need to do that.

  2. 3:27 Tbh I don't agree with either of these stances, I think they should just not change ground combat at all and dedicate that development time to something that matters, ultimately stellaris is a space game where you do space battles so ground combat, no matter what you do with it, will always in my opinion just be an annoying extra thing you have to deal with and yet removing it doesn't make sense and would remove a lot of fun strategies and gameplay like halting advances with impenetrable space fortress habitats and would essentially render most collossus weapons useless.
    I think the update Stellaris really needs is one to the internal politics of your empire, parties, coups, civil wars and the like.

  3. I really just hope this doesn't increase micromanagement. Could ground combat do with a rework? Sure, maybe. At the very least, army recruitment needs to be streamlined. But in no way does it need anything like adding counters, army customization, or anything like that. It's ground combat. It's nowhere near the focus of the game. It should be simple.

  4. Stellaris: spreadsheets evolved
    I love how I can bench the game for a few months and it will look different
    It keeps me coming back just have to figure when to jump in

  5. In regards to prohibiting surrender acceptance, if you're doing nihilistic acquisition, you're not actually interested in taking the planet, you just want to steal as many slaves as possible.
    There are also times I bombard planets beyond the territory I have claims in hopes to postpone the next war by ruining their economy/workforce

  6. Lets say it: ground combat is kinda superfluous but still useful to the purpose of our games background.
    So, or you are one of those players that always plays tall and plays just to win cutting everything that can slow them down in order to win no matter what…
    Or you are one of those players that accept to play with odds just because it suits the background of your faction and the thing makes your game even more exciting and challenging.

  7. what would be nice for a rework would be different army categories that contain the army types within each overall category such as infantry, armor, air, monster(xenomorph reanimated, azizian, and others similar), and giant (warforms, titanic beasts etc) and then events with scenarios based on the armies, buildings (are you charging or defending a strongholds etc) and districts (are you fighting through rural farmland, through city streets etc) on the ground that gives you a decision on what to do that can either make the battle better or worse

    for example your attacking a world and it happens to have a giant guarding it and your given an event that describes some details about the with with certain participating armies on both sides (X of your assault armies , X of enemies garrison armies) where the giant is in the battle with it describing how what category of army is doing in the battle and how the giant is decimating your forces, with the event giving you options on what to do

    fighting it and the enemy armies conventionally

    call a nuke to have a chance to do moderate to severe damage or immediately to destroying it with a potential chance to damage some armies on both sides and maybe killing 1 of your own and adding a bit of devastation

    or call in an orbital strike to atleast nearly kill it, but at a much larger chance of wiping out multiple other armies, and a bunch of devastation

    and then if your a robot, genetic, or psionic ascended empire some unique options such as a psionic blast with psionic armies to seriously damage it or unleashing a bio weapon with the possibility to going out of control and adding a modifier to the planet that periodically damages random amounts of biological armies and potentially killing 1 bio pop on the planet until the modifier goes away after some time, or uploading a virus into the participating enemy armies for a chance to damage them at varying degrees if they are robots and not biological

    and after your given another event on the effects of the decision

  8. The proposed changes for bombardment, invasion, and capture dynamics are for the most part garbage. They will make the game even less appealing. The scaling down of bombardment effectiveness due to destruction already caused and fleet size make sense, but planets and habitats should never just automatically surrender before the enemy sets foot on it, and bombardment shouldn't be able to destroy all defending troops alone- at least not all militia units- unless they're obliterating everything. There should always be at least some level of resistance to an invasion from organized and unorganized militia (e.g., National Guard units, and civilians on their own initiative shooting at the enemy, respectively), and even if the leaders agreed to surrender, there must be enemy troops and officers on the ground to surrender and hand control to.

    Furthermore, the bombardment and collateral damage mechanics are lousy and have been lousy this whole time. What they should have done from the start is to give empires more options for types and intensities of bombardment, and there should be a similar feature for ground forces. Ground forces are capable of a wide variety of rules of engagement and priorities, ranging from what Russia has done to Ukraine (indiscriminate/deliberate bombardment of civilian infrastructure and urban areas, e.g. Mariupol) to more restrictive rules than what even the Geneva Convention mandates. Essentially, the more liberally and readily you use firepower, the fewer casualties you will suffer and the faster you will take ground, but the fewer things and people that will remain to govern over in case you win (and the people you're conquering will hate you far more), and the more your diplomatic opinions (and also factional in some cases) will suffer. Conversely, being very sparing and cautious in taking and bombarding a planet will make you look honorable to the galaxy (except maybe genocidal regimes) and to the population you're conquering, and you will capture habitats/planets mostly intact, but it will take much longer and you will suffer far more ground casualties.

    Also, these policies should only be default orders that apply in the absence of specific orders, and we should be able to give fleets and armies different instructions for individual planets/habitats according to the player's wishes and circumstances. It also should be possible to give planets and their garrisons orders for defensive rules of engagement.

    I really should look to see if there are any mods that address and implement any of those ideas. I would hope there would be, but Stellaris doesn't seem to have inspired nearly as much interest in modding as HoI4 has. Hell, I couldn't even find proper and expansive furry portrait revamp mods. (That reminds me, my other major complaint about Stellaris is their portraits and animations are God-awful abominations. The animations are unnatural and awkward and worse than what I've seen in games 20 years older than Stellaris, the furry animation models are butt-ugly, and everyone looks angry, depressed, or both, especially the humans. They should fire everyone who designed and signed off on the animations and models, and shouldn't have had animated portraits at all if that was their dead level best.)

  9. As someone who doesn't bother taking planets with armies unless they are extremely juicy I personally bomb them into the dirt or crack a planet I'm just trying to send a message lol

  10. The reason you can refuse surrenders is to destroy populations. There have been instances where I played not as purifiers but still wipe out lots of pops from rival empires to weaken them in the long term.

  11. Ngl, i'm not exactly thrilled with the changes to ground combat. I mean rally and army builder are nice quality of life features but it looks like overall ground combat will be more tedious than ever which is the opposite of what everyone wanted. Also there's still no reason not to recruit an entire army of the best troops you have available, be they clone army, gene warriors or psy warriors. I really wanted to see more interesting choice when it comes to choosing what armies to recruit, with certain armies doing better in certain roles. But it looks like the only thing that was done was increasing devastation across the board which just means it will be more tedious to rebuild lanets you take.


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