Stellaris Cloaking Explained & Pre-FTL Civics

Stellaris First Contact is bringing Cloaking. Now you can live your wildest Romulan fantasy!

Also, Stellaris First Contact will bring 4 pre-FTL civics that give us a new FTL method. Say goodbye to hyperdrive!

Lets dive in and find out more!

Stellaris First Contact Dev Diary Playlist:

0:00 Intro
1:01 Welcome To Cloaking
2:45 Cloaking Technology
5:01 Active Recon Explained
8:40 Maximum Cloaking Strength Per Ship
11:54 Cloaking Strength Modifiers
14:42 Counter Cloaking
18:30 NEW Civics
23:59 Subspace Drives (A New FTL Method)

Stellaris Dev Diary 289:

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42 thoughts on “Stellaris Cloaking Explained & Pre-FTL Civics”

  1. Aren't we also going to need a cloak on the starbases in a system with an early space age civilization? Or, does the early space age trigger first contact? I'm excited to find out.

    I know a lot of people who did not like the addition of hyper relays who will also not like the further disruption these new ftl drives have on "geographical integrity".

  2. Bases are already extremely weak, let’s take them hangers away too, defense needs a massive buff in this game. Turtle empires can’t exist due to how weak bases are, this is annoying.

  3. 9:55 Is that the techs individually? Or can they stack? Like if I have all the base techs without Psi-Phase or dark matter, would my corvettes then have the strength of 1+2+3, or just 3? If it's the former, then you could have a Titan/Battleship with the same cloaking strength as a tech 2 corvette

  4. Choke points may need to be double layered – the first layer is a Bastion, a massive brick wall, the second layer is detection with crew quarters to station a defensive fleet on.

  5. I have not played Stellaris since the 2.0 update happened (with more than 1000 hours played during the first year of release). If they bring back wormhole and warp FTL, I may consider returning after the betrayal.

  6. This is going to open up some fantastic baiting opportunities. Fly in a few battleships escorted by a second fleet of cloaked corvettes, and when the enemy thinks they caught you, spring the trap

  7. i am really looking forward to clocking for rp games since it will allow u to play around with having hidden fleets so u can not be countered or allowing u to hide ur true fleet power and trick other players. it will also allow me to do a nice rp with fear the dark where u dont want to interact with any other race but will always be ready to crush them

  8. I think that those sublight drives work similarly to sublight jumps that science vessels use, but they could still be useful in reliably avoiding enemy chokepoints by simply outmaneuvering them and hitting the enemy core systems directly

  9. Looking forward to this video, interested to see how cloaking will work. Will have to finish watching it after work though. In other stellaris news though I think I finally got my gf into stellaris.

  10. why cannot drven exterminators have exploration protocols?
    the civic seen to be compadible with The Borg. they cirtenly want to categorize xenos. for cruel reasons, sure, but it still applies.

  11. Starbases weren't ever much use in battle anyways after the early game, so using anti-cloak on them sounds like a better investment to me.
    edit after watching more of the video: the subspace drive looks amazing! its the old warp drive ftl method! The range looks fairly impressive to me too. On a small galaxy that range will be significant!

  12. The problem with all this information is that is discourages me from starting a new game, since I know I won't finish it before the expansion comes out. (Not that I ever really finish my games anyway….)

  13. My concern with the subspace drive is that it will be really annoying late game. It was always very annoying chasing warp fleets around if you had wormhole/hyperlane back when there was 3 FTL choices.

  14. I would have liked to see dedicated ship cores/platforms as a mechanic to boost cloaking effectiveness. These would of course carry less free spaces for weapons and/or special devices, but would add some bonus (say +1) to cloaks. So, having a cloaking nose, code and read would add +3 to cloaking, but would mean less speed, shields or weapons.


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