
I rise with stellar eyes, visions of demise
A sea of endless lies, truth exchange surmise

I searched for nothing less for signs of saving grace
A world without distraught, forsaken dead of night

Oh, wickedness

Oh the wickedness of man.
Oh to try and fight to stand

Visions of demise, visions of a tide
Floating on
Visions of the sky, visions in my mind
Drifting on

This is a future I can’t find
In this cycle of demise

I know that all ends in plight
I know this world has end in sight

I look up, to stellar worlds outside
The stars inviting us to dine

Take heed and trek through the night
Forget the world you left behind

Fields of green, oceans filled with life
Broken pieces, sewn back in perfect line

The world I sought, is not where I stand
The world behind us, our vision fixed ahead


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