STEALING HUMANITY – The Genetic Takeover!

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32 thoughts on “STEALING HUMANITY – The Genetic Takeover!”

  1. START YOUR FREE FLFE TRIAL NOW (no credit card needed) Higher Consciousness, EMF Mitigation, Better Sleep & Much More


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  2. I studied DNA as part of my college education for Medico-Legal Death Investigation. Often blood and bodily fluids are found at crime scenes, and I wanted to know more about the lab work results- how DNA is broken down and traced back to a suspect. Then I added a book on Genetics and things took a whole new turn. With some modifications to human DNA, a person becomes something completely different. The book looked at both sides of the argument- for the betterment of humanity or for other purposes entirely. It was the other purposes that made me take a step back. I started to realize that the Sci-Fi movies I loved as a kid were no longer just old movies- Vincent Price in The Fly, The Island of Dr. Moreau. I now analyze the more recent movies to see if they correspond to things in the news. I remember a lot of the Mag covers shown in your short video.
    I had taken Sociology, and my Professor gave me the semester long assignment to look into Eugenics- from its beginning to future implications. I borrowed books from universities all across the country for my research.
    All these subjects turned out to be more than I bargained for. Now, it's years later, and they are coming out into the light. Few understand what these things mean, or how they can actually be affected by it all.
    Thank you for putting this out. I will be one to look more at this. I'm fairly new to your channel but would love to find more info. Your content is quite enlightening.

  3. Like in the days of Atlantis, they are trying to claim THEY are as good and capable of being God! !! Simple, yet since it's not possible, we shall sink again.
    Steiner said,we will have a chance again to prove ourselves in a 100 yrs from now. That was a little over a 100 years ago ! We are Truly on Interesting and Soul development Times.

  4. This is difficult.. saying no! They are not asking us. You can find strange food in supermarkets, lab made. They are deceiving us, cause nothing is said. I’ve just heard B GTES talking about autogenerated nanoparticles in food. I’m sure they had been feeding us with this ai. It’s not only the juices

  5. 20:27 They also planted people in positions so that Monsanto would intentionally win because normal brainfilled intelligent God given wisdom would’ve prevailed in these court cases otherwise. How dare they how dare they
    If anything & I was the clean heirloom farmer and they messed up my crop with their infection/gmo unnatural lab stuffs
    I’d be let down and I should win By all accounts and purposes

  6. Now if we were last manipulated genetically over 200000 – 250,000 years ago , how advanced do you think those beings are with their technology to this day ?
    and what we have is rudimentary the crispr is rudimentary compared to the advanced technology that these Beings had let alone now have & what they did to humanity was absolutely wrong and universally lawfully wrong and goes against CREATION laws
    And they know this I know very well that what they did was wrong & So do they

  7. Many are called but few are chosen,??😢, the harvest is plenty but the reapers are few, As wise as a serpent but humble as a dove,? ONE LOVE ALPHA AND OMEGA BLESSINGS CAN ONLY GROW STRONGER LIKE THE TREES THAT GIVE US THE AIR WE BREATHE 🧘‍♀️🙏🔥🦁( just about 😢,??)🙏😀🦁❤️💛💚🌍🙏🦁🦁🦁🔥🔥🔥🔥🙈🙈🙈👋👀💀🧟‍♀️🏴‍☠️🤠👿👀🎩😆😁😄😃😀😃😀🦁🦁🦁🦁👋👋👋👋🙈🙈🙈bye bye American pie 🥧👋👋👋👋👀👀👀🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🏴‍☠️👀💀💀👿👿👿🙈🙈🙈🙈😃

  8. They sadly follow a leader and their friends out of fear and to fit into society! What happened to using your own knowing from God and that we all have free will.They are in complete denial and now Big Pharma owns them!

  9. well the “they” keep forgetting that God is way above the “them” so God created us first oh so very long long long ago
    therefore it doesn’t matter that “they genetically modified any human being” that doesn’t matter
    the “they” are not above God/CREATOR/SOURCE/INFINITE ONE which is why they’re trying to get rid of God which is why they’re going after all religions that support God and God‘s creation but just because they go after us doesn’t mean they’re going to be able to squelch the knowing of a greater creator
    that is something that cannot be denied 100% by any part of God‘s creation by any part of creators creation by any part of creation in itself because that would be creation denying itself and that is a fallacy…

  10. Legal don’t mean squat especially with the legalities of the legal crap that’s been spewed out over the last who knows how many years
    Legal is a man term a man thing and WE are above man we are SPIRIT with a human body
    SPIRIT cannot be manipulated cannot be genetically modified cannot be messed with SPIRIT follows Creator Creation Truth ABSOLUTE TRUTH

  11. With what we know and that which we think we know, it is possible to put this nanite technology into any or all the medications we take, the food we eat, and the water we drink. Humanity must unite now and realize if we cannot do that, we are the fools being led to something that most would name a conspiracy theory. THAT my friends is just what the opposition wants and has successfully implemented. Our time is close to up. Unite and be one or remain in your partisan dogmatic bubble and comply with the masters of the ultimate heist. Your Free Will.

  12. That seems to be my entire family. Yeah. I am Grandpa, brother, uncle, etc. conspiracy theory consultant, author, and old fart. After all that rant of mine, I'm going to play the Beatles tune HELP.

  13. So when 2020 pandemic started, I refused to take the bait. I was "exposed" many times with diagnosed & with a fever. I to this day have not contracted the sicknesses. To this day..I hardly wore a mask, I did what my mother taught me. Took local honey 2 times a day, and implemented the extra cleaning steps as every flu season. Lysol, or bleach and water cleaning mixture, took vitamin c and zinc,washed my hands frequently.. I do believe exposure to germs will build immunity. My family even after exposure multiple times by "contagious" people with fever, never contracted. And that is why I see no need in the juice. And the knowledge of the major importance of local honey, it's not the same as manufactured on the shelves. Sometimes pricey but the health benefits are proven. Zinc and vitamin c and regular cleaning with more frequent intervals, and sanitation of high traffic touched items, can truly make a huge difference without putting man-made chemicals in our bodies. Education is so important!!

  14. Maybe we need to make a movie of a NON tech future. Of the path thats currently being thrown in front of our next steps, but by not paying attention we follow the tech bricks put in front of our feet, but we do still have a choice to STOP walking the path laid of convenience and pull the bricks up. A littlr bit of extra work and we can stop this. We are so powerful. The moves we make using the love frequency. Strengthen that not only for ourselves, but us as a collective consciousness! And prevent any more corrupting of the beautiful creation of the human race.


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