Stationeers – Venus – Ep1, Existential Dread

I know Venus is, like, the hardest planet in the game and I know that my Mars base was sloppy and it was very dependant on player and ice inputs to survive. There is no room for error with Venus. There are no ices on the planet now, this scenario has changed… Rockets are very important and until that time plants and their gasses, ores and their gasses, now we also have the traders and gasses, all these become far more precious.

Below is the transmission that our protagonist was sent preceeding the voyage from Mars:

Dear Lion,

Sorry but we need to pull you from Mars, we know your work was not finished but we have more urgent matters to presue at this time. We need derperately to get a foothold on Venus for multiple reasons, one being the increase in terrestial interest in that reigon of space. It is showing far more resouces than Mars has to date. We have seen the success that you have accomplished alone on Mars and feel that, with the red planet being colser to Venus than it is to Earth right now as well, that you are the best candidate for the job. Don’t worry, someone will be along to sort Mars out, your work is not for nothing and I am sure that if you survive this mission you can go back to being a bartender on Mars like you always dreamed. Just wanted to give you some heads up about your new home:

The crushing pressure stops you using anything but the strongest walls or structures and the heat causes the suit to compensate by flusing cooler gas from the O2 tank and this ends up in the waste tank, speeding up the whole process of needing to replenish and dump immensely. The best way to survive this nightmare is to hide from the atmosphere as much as possible. This is not like Vulcan where the nights are a good time to go outside… Night is as hot as day. Working in a vaccum until a controlled atmosphere is establshed is highly reccomended.

Even worse, it appears that all our attempts to deliver seeds throughgt the atmosphere in the lander have proven folly in trests using remote robotics, we will have to find some other way of taking seeds to the surface, do not bother bringing any with you. We have included a list of all the equipment you need to contact nearby traiders for assistance in the landers gear, this means we had to forgo some of the usual kit but everything that is essential to sustaining the first month of survivial is included. We have run the calculations a dozen times, if you deviate from this list it may put the lander and therefore your life in danger, so don’t risk it!

We are confident that with yor skills there is nothing to worry about and we look forward to hearing from you in a few days once that satalite dish is pointing our way…

Good Luck,

Mission Command


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