State of the Realm #356 – Criterion Discussion & Patch 6.51 w/ Woops & Biffolo

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Welcome to State of the Realm! This episode Sly and I are discussing the latest patch w/ guests Woops & Biff!

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And me I guess…


13 thoughts on “State of the Realm #356 – Criterion Discussion & Patch 6.51 w/ Woops & Biffolo”

  1. people thinking about Final Sting being op in a Blue Mage battle royale when they are forgetting about shit like Doom and Tail Screw basically being one shots without having to kill yourself

    also I find it funny that youtube thinks this video is about League of Legends.

  2. Melee players vs Criterion be like. Well F that I go Range for that one o7.
    U have so much downtime on criterion as melee, it ain’t impossible but way harder to keep up when u don’t have a huge circle like in all savages x)

    And yeah I personally think the Criterion should drop augmentation/Savage gear since it’s literally comparable from prog difficulty, so it also should drop the gear basically lol

  3. This is the first variant dungeon I've done, and I absolutely agree that doing all 12 paths was a slog. I feel like they've gotta do more to differentiate the paths. I think maybe they should at least have 3 first bosses. I'm real tired of that wood thing.

  4. The criterion dungeon normal is equivalent difficulty to a Savage raid and the criterion savage is equivalent to an ultimate. They either need to scale the difficulty way back or change the names and rewards to reflect the difficulty.

  5. so criterion is fun because the mechanics are more wild than they'd do in savage, and the boss hitboxes are smaller, but it sucks again that melees lose uptime, so they should make the spread smaller, but then fights are bad because you don't need the full arena again since you can just hang around max melee, etc

  6. I'm going to riot at the Square-Enix HQ because they had the gall to make the cool tropical music, "O Hunter Rejoice" be the BGM for Another Aloalo instead of the variant dungeon. I don't hate "O Seeker Slumber", but it's too slow and boring. I'm on for hyper tropical music. XD

  7. "If there was still an achievement for being deathless", as if SE are ever going to add an achievement that isn't just some variant on "do X 1000 times", or "do everything with X".
    Though I guess they do have the deep dungeon solo achievements, so this would be the 2nd instance of a challenge run achievement……. yeah no it wouldn't happen.

    Which is a massive shame, because extra challenge achievements are such a nice small way of both adding a bit of extra content and increasing the interest for skilled players without having to devote loads of dev time or sacrificing the accessibility for less skilled players. One of those things I really miss from wow

  8. My main issue with this variant dungeon was how easy the puzzles were. You found the records from the "normal" paths and then they just literally tell you, black on white, "alright, go there, do this".

    Meanwhile in the first one, it told you a story about a human and an Amal'jaa not agreeing whether it's better to kill the strong or the weak first in a war. And then you had to realize that that flag on the right path was an Amal'jaa flag. Then put the two pieces together, kill the drakes family in the correct order, and then there's still one more thing after that (which this time, it did tell you what to do like in the new one).

    I wish there were more puzzles like that drake family one. It was dope figuring it out. Actually felt like putting the pieces together, instead of just doing whatever the record very literally told you to do.


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