Starts 7:28-Hothead is blowing a gasket over U.Being celebrated.Apathy led to loss.Spilling the tea.

*Reading starts at 7:28- Cleansing techniques first 7 minutes*
Collective General/Love Reading #TwinFlame #Soulmate #LifePurpose #LifePath #SelfLove #DivineMasculine #Divinefeminine

Readings are general & energies can be flipped. Please take the messages that resonate and DO NOT try to make something fit if it is not your story. Follow your Heart ALWAYS! Sending so Much Love to each of you!

**I receive many requests for personal readings and extended readings. I DO NOT offer either at this time due to my full time career which takes a considerable amount of my time. I do appreciate all of the support & will continue trying to put as much as possible in the readings to alleviate the need for an extended:-)*

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22 thoughts on “Starts 7:28-Hothead is blowing a gasket over U.Being celebrated.Apathy led to loss.Spilling the tea.”

  1. I didn't know about burning cinnamon or the egg method. Thank you for showing us these!!! I was taught when smudging with white sage to follow it up with sweet grass (they sell these on Etsy in braids) because it seals the deal after cleansing!! Also, to clean your energy, take a bath with Dead Sea Salt (Etsy). For protection you can sprinkle it in front of the doorways of your home and also put a small feng shui mirror above the outside of each doorway entrance to reflect any negative energy back to anyone outside. I never realized how important energy was until I learned the art of feng shui, then I learned more about our personal energies and how they effect everything!!! Oh yeah, Leo Buscaglia!! Wasn't he the hugger who taught everybody the importance of hugging? I loved his energy!!! 🥰

  2. I've got two hotheads in my midst. Don't know which one will explode first, though in fact they both have recently but not with me. But one in particular (my Sag person) has affected me very badly by his explosion and consequent breakdown. 😢 I'm tired of all the chaos and try to keep a calm and balanced energy. My spiritual protection is clearly not strong enough. Looks like I could do with that cleansing. Your readings are my lifeline. ❤❤

  3. This sabotage thing keeps coming up in different readings too..a Capricorn mutual 'friend' perhaps? İts all very murky and i feel there was a falling out of some kind between my person snd his friend. Otherwise could be referring to my Cancer ex. Both these men have this week walked out of their jobs, and both of them chefs!! Honestly like you say, you couldn't make it up 😮

  4. I have a few questions, can someone really attempt tò steal someone's destiny? What does it mean to siphon (spell check) someone's energy? Are these things really possible? What if somebody already did or tried to do it to me? Can someone really steal someone's gifts? If anyone can help, that would be great ❤ this is all new to be and I have so much to learn. I feel like Im just wondering around bumping my head while a whole squad of ppl are working together to do black magic against me…because of a lie someone told them. Someone who is very upset with me. A High Priestess in reverse who acts like a Hierophant. Any information would help ❤ Thanks again ❤

  5. I do return to sender in love and light. I'm not trying to harm. Just remove. If karma comes to the sender that's the most high decision.

  6. I am a Sagittarius!!! ♐️ I'm waiting for my divorce to be over and my friend is a Capricorn and he's stocked on the past and said that love isn't for him but he is mad because I don't speak to him anymore. 🙏🩷 thanks for this reading.

  7. Thanks Bella . I have become a mystery to the hothead.(ex) I always try to inspire people with love. I am of Light and Peace and worked very hard to get there. I am a sensitive and healer. Family gift on my mother's side. I had a dream that he and my daughter were floating away from me. I see things through my dreams.I have to follow my path to the end. I will be very cautious. 100% accurate. I'm A Sag. Many Blessings


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