'Startling!' Royal expert reacts to Prince Harry 'Spare' bombshell book leaks about Prince William

‘Startling!’ Royal expert reacts to Prince Harry ‘Spare’ book leaks about Prince William. Prince Harry promised that his much-anticipated memoir would be one of ‘raw, unflinching honesty’. Raw and unflinching it certainly is turning out to be, according to a leaked copy seen by The Guardian, which published some of the most explosive extracts this morning. In it, Prince Harry accuses Prince William of physically assaulting him during a particularly heated row at his Nottingham Cottage home after William called his wife Meghan ‘rude and abrasive’. He also recalls how their desperate father pleaded for peace between his warring sons at Prince Philip’s funeral. It’s worth letting the fact that Harry would stoop to recounting a private remark allegedly said by a grieving King Charles at his own father’s funeral sink in a little.

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36 thoughts on “'Startling!' Royal expert reacts to Prince Harry 'Spare' bombshell book leaks about Prince William”

  1. Why in God’s name are any of these correspondents taking what Harry says as truth? He’s been caught in lie after lie after lie, as has his wife. So why would you even entertain the idea that Will & Catherine told him to wear the Nazi shirt? Why? There’s no way! Those two are smarter than that, even if they secretly thought fascism was funny. Given Kate’s work with Jewish Holocaust survivor families, I doubt she feels that way.

    Harry is making up lies about his family for revenge. And he’s ENJOYING IT. It makes this very weak man feel powerful. But even the dog bowl shattering story is easily disproved by the fact that photos from the time clearly show the dog bowls were stainless steel. And Dickie Arbiter has further confirmed, weirdly enough, that all royal households have metal dog bowls. There is already more evidence out there to disprove Harry’s statements while not one shred of evidence supporting a damn thing he’s alleged has been put forth.

  2. Don’t forget this book was written by Mrs. She sacked the ghostwriter. So …. Lies upon lies upon lies …. Is how this book should be classified. The RF should not respond to lies.

  3. He has let his jealousy for his brother get the best of him and take over his life. He doesn’t seem to have anything to focus on in his life except being rich like Meghan requires him to be so she can be happy.

  4. 🙏Poor Harry.. Since he lost his mom.. He lost warm feelings that was the only road of his happiness to avoid.. Shocking that he is ( Spare) after extremely care while he was a baby. After his mom.. He couldn't accepted rude people around him to understand his feelings.. Every word explains his suffering.. Most one.. His dad NOT HUG him after telling him about his mom crash.. It means. An ice feelings dad.. The idiot British Army commander👿 attacked Harry. But the world knew that terrorist army killers went to 89 countries to burn kids alive and killed 9 millions people defending their families.. Poor queen.👿. Enjoy the hell

  5. Shame on the people who still pay to buy/read their books, to prolong their parasitic lifestyle. Now, they have to use all the money from the books and more to hire more security guards as the Taliban and the Muslim community are watching their every steps. Can't wait for the day MeAgain back to work as before, a C class actress ( C is too vulgar to describe the job ). And about the man, it's harder and harder everyday for him to prove that he really has the ROYAL BLOOD in his body, by the ways he thinks, behaves and acts ( Also remember the story of Diana and her ' bodyguard ' ?! ) A DNA test will do !!!

  6. "Grown man"???? with huge alcohol and drug problems "just given a gun and training for the army"?????
    Oh , I'm sorry, who is more wrong on this? The RF to let him in that state of uncounsious mind to join the army oooooorrrrr thinking he could take responsability in that kind of state of mind????

    This is just getting too crazy and it will end up destroying an entire country

  7. Lets get this RIGHT, this is not between two brothers.Harry is attacking his whole family.Stop making this into a brotherly spat.The aggressor is Harry.

  8. He knows he can never be king, so he wants to take down the monarchy! Also he is used to living the luxurius life, this is how he is going to support that habbit from now, no matter who he and M has to trample!

  9. The ghost writer of Spare quit working on this book and it was finished by Meghan and Harry. These two are clearly deranged. They need to seek help and not with a psychic.

  10. PH very much needed a confidante/close friend to guide him before Megan came along.
    KC and PW must have tried to guide and reason with Harry – but Harry had ears for Megan only

  11. I don’t need to read the book to know that I wouldn’t trust one word of it. Once he started promoting lies that can be proven, how can you trust anything he says. He’s proven himself to be a vicious petty man only concerned about himself. Buying a book wanting to believe it will somehow put him in a better light is a waste of money. Harry’s wife is proving to be toxic and Harry pathetic.

  12. Why cant these nasty biographers stop writingv these nasty biographers. Who is encouraging them ? Harry and Meghan had a choice, either embark on relentless court case, to debnk mostvof these junks, which newspapers wereceagervto promote,and never challenged his sources. I believe that Harris Biographynis a direct response to them.
    One thingvi am curious about when kingxCharles brand the numerous products on sale are hic Duchy of Cornwall, gives it his Royal brand and sell itcatvthe most expensive price imaginative. Is he not profiting off the royal name

  13. Harry looks like a pretty dim light anyway.
    In a few years Meghan will get a divorce forcing her harry to come up with a big bag of bucks to pay her and the children…harry will look pretty silly when having to beg his father and his brother to dish up the cash he does not have.

  14. Extract from Daily Mail … a mis truth has already been found.

    Recollections DO vary! New questions over Prince Harry's ability to recall facts – as his book describes call he received at Eton on a warm spring day telling him the Queen Mother had died… when in fact he was away skiing with Charles and William.

  15. Hazbeen lies like a rug. Why on earth would anyone believe him.Willi and Catherine were broken up when he wore Nazi uniform. Check facts lol me. Open and honest. Nope he's a sneaky liar.

  16. William should forgivexh8m being the oldest and more mature don't cave to Harry's immaturity after all quills is the leader don't be Asad bald 7gly man be the morexmature one not the mad bloke Yankee geezers


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