Starting The New Expedition Replay! No Man's Sky Blighted Replay Expedition Episode 1

Starting The New Expedition Replay! No Man’s Sky Blighted Replay Expedition Episode 1 The new expedition replay is here and …


30 thoughts on “Starting The New Expedition Replay! No Man's Sky Blighted Replay Expedition Episode 1”

  1. The last expedition I almost ditched on twice. The first time I just lost interest but this time it was actively annoying. If it wasn't for the backpack I would have ditched it a second time. I finished just before time ran out.

  2. Super excited for this. The only thing that bugs me is the no capes thing for Switch. When the ultimate reward for completing an expedition is something I can't even use bc of the platform I play on, it kinda sucks. I'll still enjoy playing, just for the experience, but man… I really wish we had capes on Switch.

    ETA: On the upside, Hello Games did decide to give us 8,888 Quicksilver in place of the cape, since Quicksilver is so hard to come by on the Switch. I'd still prefer the cape, but hey, at least they didn't give us something we literally cannot use.

  3. Took me ages to find the gravatino balls… Finished the expedition a hour or so ago (7 hours – don't think I'll be setting any speed run records with that!) and a good quarter of that time was looking for those balls!

  4. I started this morning and as I usually play as a pirate/outlaw in a normal game, I am enjoying this more than the previous "find milk, eggs and feed creatures" expedition. I'm hoping to get some tips for my playthrough πŸ΄β€β˜ 

  5. Finding eggs and milking creatures is not my thing that last Expedition had no interest there's only two Expeditions I'm really would like to do that's the Normandy and the golden vector Expedition. I'm going to try to do this new one the blighted expedition Jason makes it so interesting.

  6. You know I come to learn yet everything you do seems weird. The starting planet had Uranium and copper just waiting for you to mine it but nope you fly away and do shit all over and then complain about no Uranium, I must say you should try opening your eyes and not be in such a big hurry to leave. I mean I was sad because I usually try and find a cave to explore and mine but I did not see a cave, maybe the planet had hundreds it also had water that I did not see yet πŸ™‚

  7. I think I already did this one the first time around, but it will be fun to try to up my speed a little. I usually go in order, but I've been playing almost forever at this point. I should be able to plan ahead and get more items knocked out at once rather than going step by step. I never understood how players can whip these out in a couple of hours. I guess that's how, but looking ahead and knocking out as much as possible up front.

  8. Can confirm, the Permadeath expedition was my first experience with that mode and love it. Pre-ordered the game back in the day and have played since launch, I enjoyed the vast emptiness originally, but it's gotten so much attention that I'm more than accepting of all of the improvements whether I liked them or not as the attention and free updates more than make up for any "old timer resentment" I might have. I may have played from 'then' but all of it has been a great improvement to this amazing universe

  9. Not only can you not aquire capes in the Switch port of NMS, now as of 4.08 they have removed Sentinel outpost maps from the space station. I've been scanning and searching multiple planets and systems for hours and haven't came across one yet. Have they completely removed them from the game?


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