Starsector Nexerelin – Smuggling

About Starsector:
» Starsector is an open-world single-player space-combat, roleplaying, exploration, and economic game. You take the role of a space captain seeking fortune and glory however you choose. Nexerelin is a mod to expand Starsector making it into more of a 4X game (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate).

About Nexerelin:
» Adds more 4x game features
‣ Factions wage war
‣ Factions have dynamic diplomacy
‣ The player can join a faction or start their own
‣ Factions can forge alliances
» Adds more things to do
‣ Mine planets and asteroids
‣ Use operatives as spies
‣ Requisition fleets for tasks
‣ Pay tribute to other factions
‣ Bring aid to troubled planets
‣ Turn in high value prisoners
‣ Construct exploration outposts
» Adds more events
‣ remnant raid fleets
‣ relief aid fleets
‣ vengeance war fleets
» Allows for random galaxy generation

I am new to Nexerelin so I will not likely be able to answer questions about it.

» Win by conquest victory (controlling a simple majority of total market size or two-thirds majority of heavy industry)
» build an alliance with Tri-Tachyon

» autosave 1.2 (reminds player to save)
» lazylib 2.7b (framework mod for other mods)
» magiclib 0.42.1 (framework mod for other mods)
» nexerelin 0.10.5b (see above)
» zz graphicslib 1.6.1 (graphical improvements mod)

Starting Settings:
» Not Ironman
» Random core worlds
» Default sector generation
» Default faction setup
» Default custom settings
» Free start (hard) faction
» Combat(small) ships – level 1 with 20,000 credits

Where to buy starsector?
» Only at ( not on steam or anywhere else )

Where to get the mods?

» Viewer Driven Content
Viewers will be able to help influence the direction and vote on how certain situations are handled. If you would like to influence the direction of this series I welcome you to join me on stream. This series is streamed live on

» Starsector Nexerelin playlist:

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#starsector #nexerelin #letsplay #twitch #hardmode


13 thoughts on “Starsector Nexerelin – Smuggling”

  1. There's a skill that helps remove d mods over time, I used that method to save a bunch of money in the long run. Also thanks for the introduction for the mod. Now i can't wait to play this game again. :3

  2. Everytime you play Starsector, I have to play as well. Enjoying this run as I play my own. Heh
    I saw you can mine planets for the various ores, can you mine gas giants as well for volatiles?
    Liking Nexerelin though. It adds a lot of interesting content without making it too complex.

  3. @Rhadamant you are REALLY mssing out not having additional factions like HMI or Kingdom of Terra when running Nex. They make all the faction stuff more fun cause there are MORE factions.

  4. Some of the commentary about AI pilots deciding to go do their own thing (such as not engaging, or getting themselves killed) made me pull up a couple Gratuitous Space Battles videos because I thought I remembered space combat in that game to be quite competent. Heh — 100% nostalgia, space combat in Starsector is soooooooooooo much better, even with a few quirks here and there.


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