Stars on Mars Season 1 Ep 2 Recap | Hit or Quit

Rob Cesternino (@robcesternino) and Jenny Autumn (@jennyautumn) are here with Hit or Quit – the podcast where we try out a new show to determine if it’s a HIT or whether we ought to just QUIT!

Rob and Jenny are headed back to space for season 1, episode 2 of Stars on Mars!

#starsonmars #foxstarsonmars
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5 thoughts on “Stars on Mars Season 1 Ep 2 Recap | Hit or Quit”

  1. Crime scene kitchen is so fun, you guys should check it out! The contestants need to guess and recreate a recipe based on "clues" left on a "crime scene" kitchen

  2. Shoot, I keep forgetting to watch this! But I'm here for the pod. I agree with what Jenny said last week. The show is really missing a colon in the title. I think if it had the colon I wouldn't have forgotten the watch.

  3. Crime Scene Kitchen is pretty fun actually! They show them a crime scene that contains clues. The contestants have to use those clues to make a specific recipe with the goal of making the right food.

  4. I don’t see the anti social Ronda thing. Ronda seems pretty good and friendly with everyone from the episodes. I am pretty sure in WWE even though she is not popular with the audience, most of the other wrestlers like and get along with her. The athletes all seem close and are always working out together. I feel like all the clips of her she is joking around with people like her play wrestling Marshawn and making people laugh with her impressions. If anything I think she is the most likely winner. We keep hearing about her love of space and she does well in the missions.

    I agree about the Lance villain thing though.


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