Starmer's Dodgy MP Candidates, Spy Balloon Wars Are Ridiculous | #NovaraLIVE

Keir Starmer blocked top left wing talent, and let through right wing liabilities.

Plus: the labour right go on a incestuous media tour; why the spy balloon wars are ridiculous.

00:00 Intro
00:31 Starmer’s Dodgy MP Candidates
08:52 Labour Right Media Stitch-Up
20:25 Ridiculous Spy Ballon Wars
34:05 Ian Hislop On Question Time
45:11 Shocking Andrew Tate Study

With Michael Walker and Aaron Bastani.

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35 thoughts on “Starmer's Dodgy MP Candidates, Spy Balloon Wars Are Ridiculous | #NovaraLIVE”

  1. People should listen to Robert Evans Behind the bastards podcast, he has a four part episode on Andrew Tate which basically elaborates on some of the points made here. They talk about how Tate exploits the alienation many men feel under capitialism to promote his toxic ideology. It also gives his backstory and exposes how many of his “successes” have been inflated

  2. BBC Radio 5 news repeated the lie that Jeremy Corbyn had rejected the EHRC report all day and we know that is not the case. But it is a lie that the establishment likes and so it is continually pushed by all mainstream media outlets.

  3. Before we go overboard about Ian Hislop and Private Eye "calling out bullshit"…they did go full in with the anti-Corbyn anti-Semitism smears. That's why I stopped buying it. They've also attacked, over the years, Julian Assange, John Pilger, Noam Chomsky et al.

  4. The screaming outrage over a balloon and shooting it down with a rocket. I wonder what would happen if Americans had hostile military organisations crawling around their borders, building up threatening arms and training troops attacking American subjects, instead of a bag of wind floating miles in the sky.

  5. I've got a 14 yr old nephew who seems to have some regard for andrew tate. On the bright side my nephew also knows that mysogny, sex trafficing and rape is wrong. I can't say I understand where he is coming from (I'm 51), but it seems to me that 45% of young men don;t agree with all those mysogynistic views – the apeal is more complex.
    I'm embarrased to say that when I was his age I found Alf Garnett quite amusing – but I was never racist and never thought Garnett was someone to emulate. Young boys are confusing and confused – possibly more so than girls.

  6. They have been using the method of mismanaging public services to reap the benefits have been one of the Tories M.O for about a decade. Look at how they have set up the disability system.

  7. Stammer is clearly Tory in red suit. I really can get behind him and I believe he is compromising whole Labour party by simply doing nothing for working people. He impressed me as one of those ,, righteous " people who believe that only their way is a right way and do not consider opinions and needs of others. Labour now go by ,, for greater good,, motto while milions are have problem put more than one meal per day on their table, living in disgusting houses, and can only dream about heating.
    We already have gouverment full of individuals of that kind.
    UK doesn't need the same gouverment in different colour.

  8. Unpopular opinion, but I’m incredibly enthused that secure Starmer has been blocking these extremist candidates. The Labour Party under his latest leadership cares about winning political power not about cheap, irrelevant and moronic Point-scoring of who can be the most ‘leftist.’

  9. 49:47 “competent fluent public speaker” no Aaron have you heard him (Andrew Tate) speak 😬🤧 not too much bigging him up. The first time I did I was cracking up he sounds like a baby man horrible tone of voice.

  10. Worrying how Labour are willing to allow some of these dodgy people to stand as official candidates in the next election, I thought Labour were going to be squeaky clean after all the dodgy people and dealings that we've witnessed under the current corrupt tory so-called government. So essentially, more of the same crap we've had over the last 13 years, except under a red flag instead of a blue one.

  11. Even with his analogy Andrew Tate let's you know that your chances of success are limited especially in the clip about getting the Bugatti. More people have to call capitalism out for what it is. We can't all be millionaires the system won't work.

  12. I'm a 25 year old nonbinary individual, and I was shocked when I first heard about Tate (which was only in December 2022), I don't understand what happened or how he seems to have come out of nowhere? Is there some space he was in that I am just not which he groomed this role in? It's vile that this got this big, whoever is responsible should've addressed it as soon as they found out about his content.

  13. No matter what you think of Corbyn it's clear he did not manage to win over the voting public. Was this because of smear campaigns? Yes I think so, I think there is a lot of evidence of this and I think a lot of the public would concede this.

    However part of being a successful party leader is dealing with negative press and smears. Corbyn clearly failed to do this. Boris Johnson and Tony Blair both had the necessary skills and friends to deal with this (up to a point obviously )

    It seems Kier also is better suited to dealing with the media. Why vilify him for it?

    Labour distancing themselves from Corbyn makes clear political sense, it's not pretty but it plays to the narrative that the media has clearly sold to the public. In order to turn that juggernaught round the party would have to directly take on the media….. does that seem like a smart move ? does it sound like a winning campaign for swing voters??????


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