Starlink Update 15 Months On Can It Really Be Worse?

15 months in. Is Starlink what we thought? Who is it really for?

Hopefully in this video I can answer some of these questions and help you decide if its right for you.


10 thoughts on “Starlink Update 15 Months On Can It Really Be Worse?”

  1. Glad to see you back. I’m following Starlink as it unfolds. Starlink will have a difficult balancing act as subscribers increase and the network fills up. The group one shell of 1500 satellites has been filled. Group 4 is half filled (816). This shell will receive another 200 satellites in July and August. Group 3 will see its initial launches this summer. The rate of growth of the constellation is impressive. What remains to be seen is whether Starlink is willing to sacrifice quality of service (which for subscribers is largely measured by download speed) for income growth.

  2. Hi Guys, good to see you back and Des is enjoying retirement 🤭good update. ..… if we can get the same speed out of ours in the Philippines we will be very happy..
    It looks very promising… we should receive our dish in October …

  3. Was traveling and so late in responding. Nice to see you and thanks for the update. The interesting thing here is what you are about to do is exactly in the model. Good wired service comes into your area and people will move off Starlink, but because of Starlink your new service will have a price cap. Also as you move off others in your shared area will see a bit of improvement and so will keep that balance.
    With Starlink now actually starting to pay more of it's development and deployment costs SpaceX will be able to accelerate the deployment and options. The future looks very interesting. As we have seen in Ukraine rapid deployment seems to be in order.

  4. Within 6 months STARSHIP will start delivering 1000s of SATELLITES & the LASER LINK INTERCONNECTIVITY will be activated which will increase speeds & latency


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