Starling Noises – What Do Starlings Sound Like?

Starlings produce a variety of calls and songs. The birds make purring, rattling, screaming, chattering, chirping, and trilling sounds. Uniquely, they are also talented mimics and can copy the calls of about 20 other types of birds. Starlings use their songs, whistles, warbles, and whirrs to attract mates. When in groups, the noise they make is extremely loud.

Stocky and black in color, starlings are an aggressive species of bird that travel in large groups.

Starlings are an invasive species that now holds a strong presence totaling over 150 million birds. They live mainly in urban settings and flock in large numbers, which causes various problems for crops. Starlings can also spread a number of diseases to humans and other animals.

They tend to live in close proximity to people and may build nests in vents, gutters, garages, attics, and barns. Starlings get indoors through cracks or openings in home exteriors and provoke residents with their loud songs and calls.


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