Stargate new movie multiverse plan?

When Amazon asked for pitches for a new Stargate project, several were submitted.. more than one wanted to create a multiverse of madness!! With O’Neil and O’Neill!

Kurt Russell and Richard Dean Anderson on screen together??

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32 thoughts on “Stargate new movie multiverse plan?”

  1. SCITrek they not going to do what u said they already did it and it fail it got low ratings no on watch it. They need to revamp it and bring in new chars and new actors and actress and yes SG1 can do cameos but just because startrek worked doesn't mean this series will won't like pIcard did. Star trek has a bigger fan base so does starwars not stargate

  2. OMG they are overthinking this. Analysis paralysis. I no longer believe they can make this happen. It sounds like it will end up being be a bloated mess with every exec's opinion thrown in and making it just to get it done and out.

  3. I'm all for new characters and direction for the show but animation is so cheapskate or Multiverse, which every genre seems to be turning to seems to be an easy cop out to imaginative thinking of the original premise of the show

  4. You're right, we've already seen many decent alternate reality/altered timeline stories.

    Sg-1 had Daniel going through the quantum mirror to an alternate earth, then we had a Carter and Kawalski come through it to our reality. Later we had multiple Sg-1 teams come through the gate from several realities, Sam accidentally used Merlin's gadget to visit one, then there's the alternate timelines/possible futures in 2010, the Mobius 2 parter and Continuum.

    Atlantis had an old Dr Wier from time loop shenanigans, we met a suave alternate McKay, an alternate Daedelus, Shepherd triggered then fixed a terrible series of events when he was sent to the far future, and the Vegas episode.

    After all that my point is all these episodes are perfectly fine and it's perfectly fine to make more episodes on that premis, but to use it as a way of kick starting the new franchise would be a really cheap way of doing it and completely undermine the reality that we've been following the whole time, ours.

  5. I don't think they should do anything like other sci-fi movies or shows have been doing, don't throw too much money into Stargate, these days they are concentrating on quantity over quality. Amazon/MGM should make stargate concentrating on quality. No time traval, and no multiverse we've had that far too much in modern sci-fi!

  6. I don't like the idea of making the multiverse the focus. I get that it could solve the problem of ships making gates somewhat obsolete but the concept has been done to death in the past couple years. I could maybe trust Brad Wright to do it right but not Bad Robot.

  7. A political intrigue story — sounds like V (the Visitors), which was a great 80's miniseries, a pretty good reboot in the 2000's. I wouldn't mind a V series today, but the parallels to Neo-fascism…we are living too close to that in reality.

  8. I'm discouraged, it's either going to be a "wormhole extreme, or a lameass offering like the Guy Rithcie's 'Man from UNCLE'.
    SMH, why not make it a crossover with NCIS: Hawaii (barf)…this is just not going to go well…

  9. Some of the actors have aged better than others and it may make it hard to do a continuation, live action.

    If they do it in animation the have to market right. Animation can do well among adults. Star Wars has proven that.

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  11. so it's already been established in all the multiverse cross-overs that everyone is the same DNA wise, Sam looked like Sam, Rodney looked like Rodney. So they couldn't bring Kurt Russell and RDA back as the same character essentially in the same show/movie

  12. I always thought a possible solution to the Tau’ri becoming too powerful was to create a problem with hyperdrive (ie it drifts off course so the further you travel the more off course you become, meaning that it is only useful for short trips of say less than a couple dozen light-years ) this would then also have the benefit of making the Stargates more important as they’d be the only reliable method of making trips over larger distances.


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