Starfield vs Skyrim

Starfield vs Skyrim. Two Bethesda games from completely different eras. Today we compare features to the Xbox 360 open world RPG MASSIVE hit Skyrim to the controversial new Bethesda Games IP, Starfield. We compare some graphics, how NPCs react. Decisions, Skill Trees, environmental reactions, core mechanics and Bethesda traditional features to compare. Starfield is best known for the AI procedural generated features, Crimson Fleet, large cities like New Atlantis and nuance to the genre with only No Mans Sky left in comparison. Elder Scrolls has a deep settle in the RPG genre, this was a generational game with a great overview of what made Bethesda games great in the past with features still used in games today. #starfield #skyrim #elderscrolls #elderscrollsonline #starfieldreview #starfieldguide #starfieldships #skyrimmods #skyrimspecialedition


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