Starfield Review "Buy, Wait, Never Touch?"

Starfield Review “Buy, Wait, Never Touch?”
Starfield is coming out soon from Bethesda. Thanks to them for the very early review code. Lets see if it was worth it.
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50 thoughts on “Starfield Review "Buy, Wait, Never Touch?"”

  1. This review is great. I feel like 90% of people latch onto the impressions of some random streamers who barely focus on what's happening on screen and most of the negative comments appear to be coming from people who haven't played or done any research into what this game is at all.
    I have a friend like this, who based his entire opinion on this game on watching penguinz0 play and talk about the game. Then he came to my place and played the game and realized it's actually super fun and he completely disagrees with what Charlie said.
    Bethesda games are basically "fantasy life simulators", not just an "RPG". You're expected to stop by the coffee shop and buy a cup, maybe visit a public library, maybe get a book and sit in your fancy home/ship/bench on the street while reading, marry a character you like, etc.

    So then no surprise that when people compare this game to a game like Baldur's Gate 3 they end up disappointed – they're completely different games that have almost nothing in common.
    BG3 is an RPG emulating D&D
    Starfield is an RPG-Shooter-AceCombatInSpace-TheSims/SimCity-NoMan'sSky-PimpMyRide AND a slice-of-life sci-fi sim

    I feel like one of these has more focused priorities. Now, generally I prefer when games have focused priorities, but Starfield does almost all of those things really really good. Could it do them better if it hyperfixated on only ONE of those things? of COURSE! But the point of Bethesda's games is that they let you do all of these things, it sells you on the idea of living in this universe and lets you personalize your experience immensely.

  2. Bro's wearing rose colored googles.
    * Poorly optimized on PC
    * Horrible AI
    * Rediculuous amount of load screens
    * Awful Inventory
    * Horrible start, need 10hr+ to start enioying the game
    * Dialogs feel exhausting
    * It's an "ok" game at best.

  3. I know this is probably a dumb ask, but I wish more reviewers would look at these games on common consumer hardware.

    "This game sure does run well on a 4090 😀"

    I'm lucky if I get above 25fps on a RTX 3060 on low settings.
    My rig can run Baldur's at a stable 60fps at 2k and most of other AAA's this year at 120fps with some tweaking but this is such a dumb way to optimize…it's the most "take it or leave" it approach possible.

    It doesn't bug out like CP2077 at launch but it's just as hard to look at.

  4. I truly do not like this game. Its boring, bland, uninspired. The design language used is extremely underrated and stereotypical or rather generic.

    I stumbled upon a game called Star Citizen, that game is what starfield should've been like in terms of design and style.

    This just feels like every other Bethesda game, will need to wait at least 4-5 years for the modders to actually make it an interesting game to play.

  5. One big thing that breaks my heart is that these companies have gotten us so used to them not raising the bar that people are actually excited over the most silly things on this game, the fact that you can move around and jump up and down is more than enough to excite people LOL I don't know maybe I was expecting something glorious but this game so far it doesn't have the spark that I needed

  6. I absolutely loved both Sam and Andreja as companions. They were legitimately some of the best-written companions I've seen in Bethesda games, and the romance with Andreja made me question "the choice" at the end that I don't want to spoil. I can't speak for the other companions, but it was quite cool overall.

  7. My biggest issue with the game so far is it runs like crap. Like the frame rate is so inconsistent. Interior areas get high 60s low 70s … but the city areas in planets my goodness the game hits high 30s – low 40s. I have a 3070 with a ryzen 3700x. I can’t even hit 60fps consistently at 1080p low settings. Other than that the game is fun but really hope we get some performance patches

  8. It feels like a Soulstype game, trying to be a Souls game but was actually made by Fromsoft and not someone else. It feels like a game made by a company pretending to be Bathesda. I won't say it's terrible or even bad it's good, just good. But it's just missing something for me, that heart and character that lets you know this is a single player story driven Bethesda game….

  9. I normally agree with your reviews. But I couldn't disagree more with this one. The whole game is a chore. The combat is terrible, not because of the guns, they feel really good, but the enemies are so bad, they are not a threat at all, it feels like shooting targets that sometimes moves.

    You think you have a spaceship but no, you have to constantly fast travel everywhere, the ship combat is also really bad. They should have just scrapped the whole ship thing.

    And the planets are barren and totally uninteresting.

    Dialogue is good and the world is pretty for being the creation engine.

    I have put 10h into it and I am giving up. I was ten times more engaged playing hellblade for the first time recently

  10. Bethesda traded that quintessential reward for exploration so typical of their games for 1,000 procedurally generated barren planets that actively punish you for exploring. Not a good trade off in my opinion. But, that being said, I am still having fun with the game.

  11. I like to go into a game blind and without bias, so I didn't check reviews until I had 40 hours in, have to say your stock in credibility went down for me on this one.

  12. A little disappointed with the review, usually I trust your opinion 100%, but after several hours I’m feeling way differently than you on this.

    Story is great, but exploration, space, loot, the bones of the game I’m finding incredibly lacking.

    It’s still a pretty good game, but if I had a second go at it, I’d wait for a sale.

  13. So worth buying a Series X? I have a PS5, Switch OLED, and Gaming Laptop that can play Jedi Fallen Order at 4k 60fps. I know my laptop couldn't handle Starfield, but it handles most games pre 2021. Just really don't want to buy another gaming system that only has 1 exclusive I care about out rn.

  14. I really don't get the love for this game. I played it for 30+ hours and ended up deleting it from my HD. It's a 5/10 at best. Telling people they should pay $70 for this game is disservice. The combat is crap, btw. Reviewer is full of it.


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