Starfield Research Stream — The Crimson Cringe: Part 2

Doing more research for the Analysis. Today I’m checking out the Crimson Fleet questline.

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18 thoughts on “Starfield Research Stream — The Crimson Cringe: Part 2”

  1. 10 minutes into this stream and I'm already wondering why some pretend pirate jaggoff threatened an interviewer to not alter what he said on the recording, as he vilified himself and basically told her that he was too cool to answer any questions, and that her having money inoculates her against his tripe. Idiot, why would she? You sound like a creep, her audience will eat it up.

  2. So the reason nobody went after the money ship is…

    because it's around a gas giant with powerful electromagnetic emissions… except they have anti gravity tech which means lift weight means nothing and they could build a spaceship with massive EM shielding to get it. Just the hull being a honeycomb structure made of different metals would do that as it would scatter the incoming magnetic field lines. You would probably only get a lot of static and heat buildup when moving through the field. If the magnetism was strong enough that it could not be shielded against there wouldn't be a ship left as the magnetism would have melted it to slag, that's how induction furnaces work.
    I guess they think magnetism is a generic "destroys electronics" force that can not be shielded against in any way. They probably never heard of a faraday cage.

    And I'm making a huge guess here. Despite the ship being in that "it will kill all electronics" zone will BET you all electronics aboard it despite being exposed to the field for a century will still work.

  3. Rape is not a technical word. It means abduction, theft and devastation. There is no sexual connection, it is the sex obsessed who have made it mean penetration. The law uses (or used to use) 'sexual battery', which has degrees. Rape has never been a thing in the law and when you see it in law you are dealing with shenanigans and stupidity. But it IS the best and easiest word to describe someone who would violate someone else's sexual boundaries and so I use it regardless of what 'degree' occurred (which most of the time is not my business)

  4. I think getting rewarded for infiltrating the fleet is meant for the player getting the quest through UC vanguard, and the coercing if you get blackmailed into it after getting arrested by the UC

    But, every other issue asides, even this basic 2 variable scenario was too much for them


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