Starfield – Part 40 – And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too…

Starfield continues, as we head to the ruins of Londinion to track down the last samples we need to eliminate the Terrormorph threat, but it turns out there’s a lot more hidden there than I was expecting…

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32 thoughts on “Starfield – Part 40 – And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too…”

  1. I love how Jon goes all socialist.. Concern about the social privilege of tier 1 citizen… His outrage lasts just until he gets his luxury apartment…

    So true in the real world sadly – looking at the likes of Lord Kinnock etc, all good socialists until they get their snouts in the trough.

  2. Jon, Vae Victus literally wants them to find the plant so that they will tell the UC and effectively end the Terrormorph threat for good. That's the whole plan.

    The dinosaurs isn't a solution that kills off the terrormorph threat for good.

  3. Jon, that "overpowered" microgun isn't even as good as it can be. If you had of done this mission at a higher level it also gets the Skip Shot trait which makes it fire 2 bullets every 4th shot. Add in some mods and the thing shreds anything. You really should open yourself up to using more than just shotguns. You really don't need 5 different shotguns that do basically the same thing. You can ditch at least 2 of them. At least try other guns out instead of immediately poo-pooing them. That legendary rifle you could have taken this episode was actually pretty damn good. Or you could have taken it for a companion to use at least. 😛

  4. Frankly I'm more and more disapointed by Bethesda with this AAA. I could bear the obvious recycling of Skyrim / Fallout mechanisms, but this game too often reeks lazyness when it comes to big quest scenarios and vilains. That's worrying for future TES and Fallout releases.

  5. The whole “Information that is too dangerous and needs to be locked up” always bothers me, because I have never seen a situation where something that was discovered, no matter how horrific, wasn’t later uncovered, often by someone misusing it. Once learned, espionage, or parallel development, always happens. The best you can do is just delay people finding it for a while.

  6. "No one knows how the terrormorphs always go where people settle. It's the universe's greatest mystery! Also, ignore the parasitic monster larvae that goes wherever people go. Biology has never encountered creatures that metamorphose."
    Really, THIS was the big reveal? It was the first thing I thought when I heard of the terrormorphs spreading, but I discounted it because it was too obvious, lol.

  7. I like how they all say how dangerous this place is… but as always Beth f-ed up big scary monsters and Terrormorphs are pathetic. Same mistake they did with Red Mile… same they did with Fallouts Deathclaws.

  8. Hard disagree with Jon, Vae Victus's plan was an ok one, his only flaw was that he was basically betting on you being an asshole. Otherwise, its perfect. He and his daughter (and everyone involved too I guess) save billions, become trusted and beloved heroes, he also gets influence in UC and, if cards fall right, might even secure Lazarus Plant as a potential weapon for future use so when the next war rolls in UC can start dropping terrormorphs everywhere. As far as Victus is concerned, everybody wins. I fail to see why Jon thinks its stupid, its a textbook false flag.

  9. im miffed jon skipped over the "this cant be natural" line because where the fuck are the heat leeches getting the energy or matter to instantly transform like that!?

    (also, i love how the heat leech that transformed wasnt even properly there i think it was clipped into the floor lol)

  10. What a load of nonsense. Scientists would look at every bug and literally write books about it. Heatleeches would have been examined through and through, with their entire life cycle. There's absolutely ZERO chance anyone would overlook the fact that they evolve into terrormorphs.

  11. Be careful of what you put in the penthouse; the location resets during chaos transitions in New Atlantis…I lost Everything ; but then again New Game +6 that’s all in the past.

  12. Penthouse not have load zone is a bad thing in reality. When New Atlantic world state changes, penthouse resets also. you came across a couple already with terromorph attacking port, I won't spoil if anymore, but remember. DLC could introduce more.

  13. To build in a buildable area, bring up the scanner and on the bottom UI it should tell you the key for either "decorate" or "build", I think it's also the "outpost" key when you're not in a buildable area

  14. As someone with a degree in Zoology, the idea that a heat leech could transform into terror morph in seconds makes my head hurt. Also what the cock are the xenobiologists doing if they haven't figured out the lifecycle of a very common pest that has been around for years and is often cited as a point of annoyance for people. Even if Vae Victis was suppressing that information in the UC, then you would think that an independent or Freestar scientist would've looked into it, even if it's only to figure out how to best do pest control


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