STARFIELD NEW UPDATE – You Just Can't Please Everyone – #StarfieldUpdate

The new Starfield update is out, and people will make any excuse to STILL hate on Starfield. I’m going to de-bunk some things and get some ranting off my chest. Starfield haters welcomed.
*Correction “Luke” not Lance Stephens*
🧐Dedicated to Luke Stephens Reacts:

Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.

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Starfield Gameplay 2024 New Update 1.11.33.
Starfield’s latest update is here and it’s bringing several new features with it!
Improved surface maps
New gameplay options
Added Ship Decoration mode to the interior of Ships
Added the ability to change Traits and appearance after entering the Unity.
Added Dialogue camera toggle in the Settings.
Added Display settings for Xbox Series X to prioritize Visuals or Performance (Series X).
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Read the full list of fixes and improvements on the Bethesda website:

Starfield Game Updates. Starfield Gameplay 2024.
This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio


24 thoughts on “STARFIELD NEW UPDATE – You Just Can't Please Everyone – #StarfieldUpdate”

  1. One of my biggest gripe with this game, can't be fixed. They opted to create a very limited and very much repetitive landscape and exploration. I sunk a lot of hours into this game, so I can't say that it is terrible, but it is not what I expected. Perhaps that is my fault for having higher expectations and not tempering them. But I miss the games that they have made like Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout 3, and even Fallout 4. They tailored and hand crafted the scenery themselves. The whole point of this game was to explore, and the exploration I get is not hand crafted for me to see or find anything memorable. It's there for me to build and create screenshots with, nothing more. I loved exploring places like Skyrim, cause I would go into a dungeon that I didn't know, find a side quest that would take me all over Skyrim. THAT is exploration.

    Edit: I am not meaning to compare it to their older titles, but for a game that was advertised as a game about Exploration and the exploration is terrible. I use them as an example for why I enjoyed the exploration far more in those games.

  2. I was enjoying the game before.
    I am sure I will enjoy it after.
    Does not mean I didn’t wish they added say.. a universal inventory screen, so you never have to go to different screens for different tasks.
    I also wish they gave us a way to see and move ship ladder and doors.

  3. I don't dislike the game and played it for like 50 hours. It did become a bit boring by that time and I wished it was more of a space game. It's still worth the money though.

  4. There's a bottom line. If you enjoyed the game then keep playing it. If you didn't and weren't influenced by the hatred videos (had to put that in there) then stop playing and move on. These gaming hate videos are used for only one purpose..views and revenue.

  5. Thank you very much for this. I have been following this update closely, have over 1000 hours in, and have been seriously frustrated at the sheer number of people that are flooding these topics just to be negative. This was an extremely nice update! I am constantly asking these people WTF they are even doing in the comments if they dislike the game so intensely.

  6. The reality is that the hate isn't really about Starfield. These people hate Bethesda, no matter what they do.

    Because of these people and the way they tried to bury this game with review bombs, Starfield will inevitably become a cult classic. The game was never a bad game, and it will continue to be improved. Combine this with the hate train and in a few years it will be retroactively popular, like No Man's Sky.

  7. I think post-gamer gate, there's a toxic mix of negative bias and self-entitlement that means the default mode for most gamers is to be perpetually displeased. And, this makes any RPG a real difficult thing to produce because you're trying to create a role with a horizon of choices within the game to cater to a particular subjectivity. (The Stellar Blade stuff is as dark an example I can think of) And in the gaming community, the toxicity means the fulfillment of expectations is an impossible task. Lance/Luke Stephens's takes on the game lack a lot of nuance. He's more gaming engagement with his channel than actually gaming. I appreciate you taking him to task.

  8. Its so ironic, but the more hate Starfield gets, the more I know the game is getting better…. the day it gets no hate whatsoever, is the day it actually "dies". If a game is hated on straight for 8 months…. you damn well know haters are desperate to take it down….

  9. I like to watch lore videos on the current rpg game im currently playing and every time I try to look up on YouTube for videos of Star Field all I see instead is millions of these 3-hour long retrospectives/ documentaries of people trashing the game. Would it not be more relevant for these people to talk about things they do like instead of things they dont

  10. Agree with you on the hater-content-creators.
    I unsubscribed from Luke Stephens because he completely lost his objectivity too, and just joined the cool-to-hate-starfield club. I think it is just the zeitgeist that it is more cool to hate on starfield and those who enjoy it, than the other way around. And some people are SOO afraid to be caught red-handed with the "wrong" opinion, ousting themselves from the in-group.

    SF is not a perfect game, same as any other game. But I am having a lot of fun with it.
    And it is a far better game than these peole give it credit for, and that reflects poorly back on themselves – as reviewers.

  11. People hate on this game because it’s the popular thing to do right now a few years ago it was the same thing with 76 and now look at it the community is great there are tons of players both old and new a map expansion is coming also it’s awesome. Starfield is in its infancy and has a lot of potential for modders and the devs to expand on. People are mad with the appetizer before they had the main course.

  12. You make good points. I've come to realize that most of the criticism for Starfield comes from a player's personal taste in a game; for example, my biggest gripe with the game is that while new DLC is "great", I'm not as thrilled as some are because underlying issues still remain. That's not to imply that the game is entirely bad, but it still needs work. I'm happy about the ship interior feature, but disappointed that items still sink into surfaces. Some players just hate the game, but to each their own I suppose.

  13. Well if some people are still mad about that game, it's because the core of the game is bad, you can put make up on it, put salt and pepper in it, it will look a bit better and taste a bit better but you will still have the tast of sh.t coming up in your mouth.
    I have played this game again a few days ago and well it works but it was still boring with boring NPCs doing repetitive quests and explorations i've done so many times, so after one hour i was falling asleep.
    This game can be fun for someone who doesn't care about a good writing and just wants to have fun killing things or like me using the ship building with mods and outpost buiding to harvest all ressources.
    But the problem is that those ships are mostly useless and the outposts even more, it's just fun to build them but the game don't really use this just because some lame writer at Bethesda, that i will not name here, think we are idiots and remove the need for it.

  14. "Games take time like fine wine"… Are you stupid? Games take time in the development. When you release a game it should be the best wine you could expect. I payed real money for it not to get fine wine but to be fine wine.

  15. When even the modders give up on fixing your game, there's a serious underlying issue with how you "make the sausage"; Bethesda only added the new fps features b/c no one else was gonna do it for them. For the record: I don't hate on Starfield, I'm just disappointed in Bethesda; If this is their new direction, I am legit concerned for Elder Scrolls 6.

  16. I've lived in this hellscape of gaming for over 15 years now and what I've learned is that negativity is something gamers thrive on. I dont know why and I dont understand why it has to be that way, but the beauty of personal experience is others' opinions dont mean anything.

    People can bombard comment sections and spend all of their time being "critical" if they want, but at the end of the day i greatly enjoy playing this game and love watching your channel. May not get a lot of likes, but at least you know im also just a gamer playing games

  17. Did you mean Luke Reacts? Because yes I completely agree…he loves to trash Starfield and cover game news…but yes a lot of people have watched his videos and have chosen to hate and even not play the game…such a shame 😢 Soooo Thankful for you and your Channel Sista! Keep up all the hard work!! ❤ much love

  18. All these dipshits hating on the game for any reason, simply do not have the attention span to really dig in to everything the game has to offer. They just thrive on the hate trains and sucking other people into them.
    Have you seen all of the recent Reddit threads from people saying that they seriously regret letting all those voices prevent them from playing the game sooner?
    I've chosen to completely ignore all of this fake rhetoric pushed on the community by sour and insecure beta fuckboys. Best way to make something disappear is to ignore that it exists.
    This game is a treasure. Over 1,000 hours and I haven't even entered the Unity yet. Nobody's gonna change my mind, and when they all turn around and praise the game out of the blue, we'll still be here sticking to our guns.
    Good work as always Sista!


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