Starfield | An In Depth Analysis and Review of Everything Wrong, and Everything Right

#starfield #bethesda After finishing the game, I wanted to do this very long video analysis and review of everything wrong with Starfield, and why people are saying Starfield is bad to the point of it getting review bombed. Because it isn’t, but it has too many problems that keep it from greatness, and hold it back from being Bethesda’s best game, and there’s many lessons to be learned before Elder Scrolls VI.
Is Starfield the worst game ever? No. And reviews like IGN and Gamespot have their merit, even if I disagree with them. But the 10 out of 10 reviews…those, I wouldn’t trust.

This video took a long time to write and edit, and I hope it not only entertains, but helps explain the reaction that many people have had towards Starfield.

00:00 Summary and Intro
02:38 Starfield’s Open World
07:10 Progression and Pacing
17:17 Combat and AI
18:46 Loading Screens
23:49 UI and Customization
25:22 Glitches and Bugs
28:04 Skill Progression
34:13 Performance
36:14 Writing and Story
37:25 The Economy Problem
38:54 Quest Integration
45:20 A better version of Starfield
47:15 A Quick List of Positives
50:47 World Building and Questlines
54:03 Disappointment


30 thoughts on “Starfield | An In Depth Analysis and Review of Everything Wrong, and Everything Right”

  1. Its designed all wrong. 3 dots to signify it has content is bad as is landing on an open area of world with no location marker and seeing tons of structures is bad. If the systems had no 3 dot planets and landing on open areas had no structures popping up everywhere you land the player would not get that exploration urge to go down there. Todd thought wrong here plain and simple. It incentivizes players to go down there and they form this horrible loop of exploration and same old stuff over and over. Lets just forget about the enemy ship landing on every landing zone in a massive world choice. This one amazes me and is why I say Todd should retire. Its creative bankruptcy in full effect.

    Its like game wants to be mostly about the ships and exploration and it all sucks.

    Bring fuel back. I get missions to transport stuff and when I get in ship and take off I find its 7 systems away LOL and for a measly 1500 creds. bring back fuel and have detailed info on mission screen to have player decide if its worth it.

    When in a system and you get mission board stuff it should be on said planet. Kill pirate leader on guugu babu in daigan system Screw that! Spawn the pirate kill on said planet! Kill space ship pirate at ganaguna in subaru system. You get in ship and fly there and kill said ship in 10 seconds!! WTF Todd?!

    Pirates are so silly its enough to wanna punch people. Why do they orbit planets….to kill! Why is it not that if you do lose your not just killed but now have options. Let them take your cargo and that is nice and easy, let them take your ship by boarding and you fighting back etc or leave you the chance to say ok take my ship and you get dropped off with nothing at nearest settlement. Its creative bankruptcy.

  2. It's a typical Bethesda game. Outdated graphics. Bad UI and UX. Weird NPC animations. Fixed by modders and made timeless by them. The modders of Skyrim deserve a massive revenue share of every subsequent Bethesda game. I got Starfield Premium bundled with my 7900XTX. I played through the intro and got to the first city but was so bored and uninterested in what was happening I went back to BG3. Once I'm thoroughly satisfied there, I'll check out how Starfield is going, but I'll probably end up in Phantom Liberty instead.

  3. worst ones are the ones like jump off a cliff 30 times, or weight lifting run around town for a hour or two because you NEVER want to be over 75% encumbered in game unless your leaving an area, in wich case your going to be fast traveling.

  4. on performance it's hilarious as I was plying starfield and worried because the much more intensive impressive looking game lies of P was my next gamepass, and real reason I got it this month….and other then some stuttering near a new area ONCE the game ran WAY WAY smoother then starfield even in an area that shouldn't be loading.

  5. entangled is a great quest….wich it should be as it's ripped off from titan fall 2, and not as good due to the confusing unintuiative layout behtesda put in the game as I ran around multiple times getting lost.

  6. I no longer believe in Todd after 76, and this…… Amen brother spot on This game will be GOTY after the Creation Kit2 gets released to the more competent modders… I'm not even looking forward to seeing the Indiana Jones game he is directing. It will probably be just like that B.S. Indy 4 movie that was just made

  7. One person says this game has greatness in it, and one person says this game is extremely frustrating to play. And that person is me. I will play this game for a couple hours one day and love the crap out of it. I'll then play for a couple hours another day and wish it would die an excruciating death. I won't say that this game is Fallout 76 all over again, because this game has actual content. But much of that content isn't even really content. While some other content still, is excruciatingly dull. I'd say that 20% of this game is fun to play, and if this game had just stuck with that 20% and cut all the rest out, it would be far better for it. One thing that surprised me though is that the ships feel pretty good, and the shipbuilding is one of the high points of the game. You could tell they went all in on getting it to work, and it does. Unfortunately, there's just not much ship content. And yeah, the ship system is confusing AF. I would hope that in a year or two they'll nail all that down, but Fallout 76 still pretty much sucks, so who knows.

  8. You hit the nail on the head with this review. Ive watched at least 20 reviews and breakdowns of this game and you really articulated everything wrong with it perfectly. Subbed!!

  9. On the bright side, if there was any game for BGS to try out new and…interesting changes to the formula, it was Starfield.

    Oddly enough, the game often reminds me of a 3d Fallout 1 or 2 which didnt have the overworld bethesda made fallout known for, instead having a top down view of a map while traveling between key locations with sporadic random encounters throwing you into what usually amounted to an open sandy field for the encounter, not too dissimilar to the unremarkable locales commonplace in starfield.

  10. Let me summarize this video…

    Bethesda sucks.

    Todd hypes up his games. Bethesda does the LEAST amount possible in their games EXPECTING a modding community to fix the bugs, UI, content, etc, at a later date. And if people complain, they go full on, "it's your fault", mode with their fanboys to attack the person.

    Starfield is the culmination of years of Bethesda doing less and less work hoping to cash in. Morrowind and Oblivion were good games. Skyrim? Was a watered down, "more accessible", fantasy RPG that relied on modders for a decade to fix the game, add content to the game, etc. Fallout 3 was a decent game where they TRIED to do the Fallout franchise justice while pushing it into the 3d first-person shooter genre. Fallout 4 sucked and was a watered down version that pushed the shooter/looter over actual rpg. Fallout 76 they didn't even try. No story. No nothing. People were told, "pay us for the game, pay for a subscription, pay us for microtransactions, but fun? Make your own fun losers".

    Starfield is shit because Bethesda is shit. They put out the game counting on modders to fix the bugs, to add content, to a game with little story and meh mechanics they copy/pasted from Skyrim and Fallout 4.

    WHY do they do this? Because people still buy their games. So why NOT do this? Todd said that people will buy anything and he's right. He proved it with horse armor. He proved it with Fallout 76. And he's proven it with Starfield.

  11. If I had to describe Stardfield with only one word, it would be "incompetent". Bethesda knows what to do, how to do it and has enough money and latent to do it…. but they just failed to do it good enough. Btw performance issues and million loading screens are due to their ancient engine. You can upgrade your car with better shocks, better fuel injection, better this or that to make it look and feel more modern but unless you change the engine it is still 2006 Toyota Corolla.

  12. The loading screen madness could have been prevented by letting us travel directly to where we actually want to go. There are also tons of techniques for loading areas in the background without loading screens. This was phoned in and was just lazy. The game is also basically unplayable without StarUI. Very disappointing overall.

  13. Wait, with my first 300 hours of game play, I just hop around to random planets and mostly scanned planets, or do some quests from random on planets without those 3 dots. Yes, some planets without the dots will spawn random npc settlements, be it a tracker camp wanting help to kill a target or some people who wants to return to a not so remote place. Yes, higher level planets tend to have less random settlements, but they still exist. A few of the ships I stole are from "civilians" that landed on these said settlements, I don't even have to kill anyone, the ships are empty and just have to lockpick it. I was already level 70+ when I started and completed the faction quest, I still need to finish the Crimson Fleet one and the main quest. Yeah, the game is clunky and not seamless in connecting combat, space combat and and so on, and this is my first Bethesda game I have and the only rpg game I really played after Witcher 3. So, I'm really not grasping the issues with the game. I played Eve Onlne and Elite Dangerous and I'm fine with cutscenes. That's how docking and undocking from space stations in Eve is, and although you can manually do in on Elite, I still prefer to have the auto docking module for my ships.

    Similar to Witcher 3, as long as you have explored a place, you can fast travel back and forth. Especially when heading to Skellega, which you have to go by ship initially.

  14. Agree wholeheartedly, you outline the Pro's and Con's it in a less aggressive, abrasive manner than i. In essence you feel there's little to no cohesion within its components, sad that BGS mentioned exploration, yet forgot to include it. Equally, there's only so many times that you can leggit to a pointless CAVE, investigate a whole pile of UNKNOWNS, and proceed with a false sense of surprise when pursuing missions and and quests. Spaceships have been reduced to Space Taxis, with NO hands on flight, atmospheric nor space. Taxi building amounts to a pointless effort, a pile of scrap with auto turrets can demolish a Capital Ship and its minions. Starfield is a vacuous waste of time for the serious gamer, it caters for the groomed console gamers who demand something easy, looty and grindy. Starfield excelled on Hype, expectations and change, yet SF became embroiled in BGS passion for greed and control.

  15. Didn't encounter any combat, for me it was kill, kill and well…kill, very boring when the AI don't fight back, must be all my ''Ground Branch/Ready or not'' training, used a knife or chopper most of the time, Star Citizen also has girly AI, can complete missions with just a knife, terrible in 2023, must be for console gamers, they like being mothered.

  16. Great review. Starfield is one of the only mediocre games that players will sink a thousand-plus hours into… AKA: a Bethesda Game.

    I used to build Glitched-Bases in No Man's Sky, you can make some wild things with patience and practice. These can take 40 to 100 hours to construct.

    I built my first Outpost yesterday (150 hours in) in Starfield yesterday. It was one of the most miserable experiences of my gaming life. Holy Fuch is it unfathomably terrible. (Keyboard/Mouse)

    It's the most bare bones, basic, simplistic, barely qualifies as a base; Base… I hated every moment creating it.

    Who ever designed this clunky, obtuse system… well… They "Just Shouldn't Work"

  17. No Man's Sky does it better, simple as that. Bethesda assumed that people would buy this game just because they developed it, without as much trying to compete with modern gaming, all they did is reskin fallout 4 while taking away the open-world/exploration aspect of it. Bethesda was right to pick Xbox for their games, gamespass, where games go to die. A good fit for outdated, unfnished games.

  18. There is ZERO to explore at end game, the game forces you to visit all hand crafted areas & everything else is copy & paste, all those "deserted" facilities on all those planets, loaded with pirates…theres more pirates in that universe than civillians!! …and theres nowhere near enough proper content before end game. You have to view starfield as a single play through game, theres not enough in the game…the ship creation & outpost creation are wasted on such a narrow limited main game…also the dialogue & speech system is terrible.

  19. It’s funny. At first the game looks and feels so great.

    Then, the longer you play, the more underwhelming the game becomes as you realize more and more that this amounts to little more than a giant point and click adventure.

  20. Dear Lord…
    The Outpost storage is some kind of f'ing joke… I hope I'm just missing something.

    I had stuff stockpiled in my New Atlantis apartment, but after a major plot point in the main story, that gives reason to build an outpost, I went to collect these resources. Only to find the place completely empty, everything gone. Luckily I had my previous days Exit save, so I just lost a couple of hours progress.

    I decided to build the outpost preemptively. 1sq m chests hold 150kg, Your pockets hold 260kg, a ship container can hold up to 1200kg?? How much can a 30sq m Outpost container hold? 75kg… I need 40 of these to hold what's on my ship & my pockets (3000kg / units)

    Yes, I know with skills and research, yada yada…The box I can build at the start, holds twice as much as the Outpost storage containers. Were these chests made by Doctor Who??!!

    Supposedly you can also link these containers so you can place items in one, and it'll fill the rest. I can't seem to get this to function, perhaps you need to reload the area.

    Automatic Snapping… Did no one… NO ONE at Bethesda test this?? All containers snap to each other, on 2 sides only. They auto-snap from 10 feet (3m) away.
    There's no toggle. It is possible to make rows next to each other, in the most cumbersome manner imaginable.
    Make row 1. Now start row 2, away from row 1, try to line it up, and work backwards to where you actually want the containers.

    Did I mention, you need to start rows at the highest point? Yep, if the ground rises, you cannot continue building due to collision. Again, this is because of auto-snap.

    Think about all the things in Bethesda games Modders fix. It makes me truly question the skills and talent of Bethesda's workforce.
    Look at your avatar's hair… Look at NPC's bulging eyeballs…

    I've been a fan of Bethesda since; "Wake up. We're here. Why are you shaking?" But seriously, how can individual modders make a bigger improvements within days, than your 400 employee studio in 6 years.

    No Man's Sky is a better game. Yes, they've had 7 years of FREE DLC. But their studio has 25 employees.

  21. I'm confused how anyone in there right mind thought an RPG set in space would have smooth exploration. It's Fucking space there is a shit ton of nothing. SF just cut out the boring shit. And I love how so many people act like they didn't fact travel around like no other in Skyrim and fo4. Look if a space game just isn't for you I understand but it sure seems like a lot of people just flat had retarded expectations.


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