StarCraft 1: RUBBER MATCH! – Ridesky vs soso | CNSL 6

ro16 Group D – Ridesky (T), Scan (T), soso (T), Motive (P) – Winner’s G3
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37 thoughts on “StarCraft 1: RUBBER MATCH! – Ridesky vs soso | CNSL 6”

  1. starcraft is so awesome, soso brought that vulture with his 3 marines against ridesky's 3 marines minus a vulture and that advantage snowballed for the next 17 minutes to victory, sick game

  2. Damn what a slaughter. I was rooting for soso but felt bad for ridesky. The game fell apart when ridesky went machine shop first before geting a vulture to defend on top of being behind from opponents cc first. Not sure if anyone noticed but ridesky blocked his main cc with a supply depo and couldn't make a comsat station 🙁

  3. awesome strategic game. Looks like soso started with an advantage and used that advantage to keep pushing for more, until there was so much difference Ridesky had no options left.

  4. hey Artosis, this a TvT but could you kinda explain the dominance of the 8 rax against Zerg when happens to cast on TvZ ? It seems very powerful against Zerg of now, even among Top 5 Zerg like soulkey, hero etc. They often time complaint about the 8 rax during their stream


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