Starbucks DESTROYED In New Lawsuit Revealing Wild Anti-White Policies From Blackrock & More

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20 thoughts on “Starbucks DESTROYED In New Lawsuit Revealing Wild Anti-White Policies From Blackrock & More”

  1. DEI = Sanctioned racism for 2023
    Last year, one of my companies DEI training sessions specifically named Elon Musk in a negative light, I was shocked as this was the first time there has ever been an actual person named in the 24 years I had been with the company!

  2. They can call it whatever they want. At root level it's just simply a form a racism. Even if the person is what you call "white" they can still be racist towards other so called "white people" in favor of some other persuasion. Once one understands that they will see it's ugly face everywhere.

    This has been going on for decades actually…

  3. Stop with the god damn coffee commercials at the start of every video. I just decided I'm never going to try it bc I'm tired of having to listen to them over and over, usually after hearing you say you know people are tired of hearing about it.

  4. Isn't this official government policy though? At least in California. In California, if you're Black, you get moved in front of everyone else on all medical waiting lists, cuz your life matters more to them than anyone else. And they have the gall to call this an "equality" act.


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