Star Wars: Superliterary Encounters – SE Book Club #17

In which we discuss the seventh part of Book 6 (The Third Shadow), Chapter 78 of Star Wars: Supernatural Encounters – The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon by Joe Bongiorno. This part of the book covers most of Tales of the Jedi, KOTOR 1 & 2, SWTOR era, and the New Sith Wars.


2 thoughts on “Star Wars: Superliterary Encounters – SE Book Club #17”

  1. 12:55 My thoughts on Vitiate, I like him. He creeps me out. And the audiobook version of his voice was really fun to hear, so that kinda locked in my liking of him.
    18:04 In the Revan novel, when Revan gains a glimpse of Vitiate's mind, he sees that the sole motivation for him is fear of death. So he has no intention to be ABOVE others, but is simply afraid of death so much that it drives him insane. The end goal was characterized, I believe, to consume all life until nothing is left "except an Emperor over a lifeless galaxy."
    23:28 Agreed, Imperial Agent storyline is so well-done. Though my favourite is Sith Inquisitor ENTIRELY because of the voice actress, cause of the sass 😀
    1:33:10 COMPLETELY agree.
    2:09:05 Dunno if this adds anything to the context given her nature, but the only thing about Revan's past Kreia shared was "Revan had a mother and a father. Parents, ancestors, like all Jedi do. but where he was born, where he came from I do not know."
    2:25:25 FreEstaR sounds like a Star Wars version of Hannah Montana. Like Surik was SOOO over the fame that she decided to change the name lol, then when she's bored, she goes to the local cantina and pops her Freestar wig on.
    I'm with Maxine here, I reject Surik's lineage and I will NOT be covering it in her lore 😀 She's way more badass as a standalone character.
    2:31:36 I would disagree that Atris hates Surik in that way. Kreia later on confirms that she "loved" her, as one does a champion. My interpretation of that is that she showed aggression towards Surik because Surik represented what Atris could have been, had she acted and went to war. Instead, she suppressed that part of herself In my mind, I feel when Atris looks at her, she is reminded that Surik was above her, and she was all that Atris could not be.
    2:45:15 I don't know why it says "Alek" there because he would've been known as "(Captain) Malak" by that point in time. These small details frustrate me, alongside details in Campaign Guides, when they just casually neglect vital information and include data that is inaccurate. Then we have to decypher if it's a mistake or an intentional thing.
    2:49:05 From how I understood, Revan had no knowledge of Vitiate at that time. The memory of what he did to them was suppressed until after the events of KOTOR 1.

    Ok that's enough text from me, otherwise it would become a novel.
    P.S. I like the theory of Kreia being Arren Kae. I dislike the theory being confirmed because I felt it was more enjoyable as a mystery.


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