Star Wars NEVER DOES THIS… and it Brought Tears (Manly Ones) To My Eyes

This is the Star Wars message I’ve always wanted to see. Instead of painting imperials as cartoonish villains and evil monsters, Andor continues to show us the humanity of everyone involved in this galactic struggle.



23 thoughts on “Star Wars NEVER DOES THIS… and it Brought Tears (Manly Ones) To My Eyes”

  1. Kind of off topic but I thought that when the rebels stormed the compound and captured the wife and kids that they were being kind of dark… it felt like for a moment that the rebels were on the bad side and that the imperials were the good guys… the rebels were acting like they were just going to strait up kill the wife, kid, and imperial officers that were unarmed and had almost nothing to do with the conflict.

  2. Imperials are no people… the republic is better…

    Only the people can be United under the banner of freedom which is the republic, the government that can secure freedom and democracy…

    Imperials have no ideology, they just want to make slaves to build their builds but they have no intention of helping the people so the people doesn’t support them at the end!

    Only the republic and freedom and democracy can exist, if you don’t support freedom and democracy you therefore deserve death

    Indeed all empires are evil except napoleonic one of course!

  3. I can't believe something artistic snuck it's way out of Disney. Let's see how long it takes them to hunt down what made the show good and kill it with the ruthless efficiency of a trained assassin.

  4. I think the thing that most people forget is that the majority of Imperials and just regular people, with the same needs, wants and motivations as everyone else, both equally capable of good and evil.


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