Star Wars Is Creating Something TERRIFYING & Truly Special – AHSOKA Episode 8


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End Song By WhiteSand “Eternity”
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music by WhiteSand:

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.


39 thoughts on “Star Wars Is Creating Something TERRIFYING & Truly Special – AHSOKA Episode 8”

  1. Your favourite episode? You're kidding?
    With Ray Stevenson dead. I don't see how they will just replace his actor in season 2, if there will be a season 2.

    And honestly i get saving some stuff for the big movie. But what a horrible way to end a season of a show like this.

    I hate it when movies and games does this. Just a huge cliffhanger with too many questions unanswered.

    Ending things just when things got interesting.

    Mandalorian season 1 and 2 did it right: A nice conclusion at the season finale, while leaving room for a sequel. Thats how you end a show, a movie, and a game.

    Season 1 of Mando showed us how Gideon survived and had the Darksaber. But it didn't show any more of that as part of its cliffhanger.

    Ashoka left us with nothing about Baylan and Shin's journey. They showed us statues of the Mortis "Gods", with the daughters head missing.

    Like c'mooon…. That is a way more important plot point than Grand Admiral bluebuttcheeks conflict with Orange buttcheeks.

    But fine…. fair enough… save it for the big movie.

    But there was just such a build up towards something that big and now we're supposed to wait what… a few years for the movie? Or season 2?

    Who writes this? Because if this is Dave Feloni, i think he is getting too much praise from the fans.

    These series stretch out a story that can otherwise be told in a 2 hour movie, into 7-8 hours.

    Seems like a wasted effort.

    With proper writing each episode can get more and more exciting and interesting. Not draaaag things out as it does.

    1 final note…. whats the deal with them only cutting 1 zombie deathroopers head off, while not even bothering to dismember any of the other nightroopers when they found out how they keep rising up from slashes and stabs and blaster fire? Doesn't seem like censorship to me. More like poor writing and choreography.

  2. So does this loop sabine back into the mandolorian drama? Now that the dark saber is destroyed, and sabine is the first force sensitive mandolorian since Tarre Vizla, does this put her in the running to be the next Mandalore? That being said, grogu is technically a foundling. Sooo you dont have to be a blood mandolorian. Ugh so many questions now.

  3. My honest and frank opinion:
    Overall, the episode was good, but like a lot of these Star Wars projects, the script needs improvement. I doesn't make any sense for Ezra and Ahsoka to struggle fighting zombie troopers when they were able to hold up a spaceship over their heads…which probably weighs several tons. And how is Sabine suddenly able to force-push Ezra onto Thrawn's ship when she was barely able to pickup the light saber? Those scenes kind of disappointed me.

    I wish we saw more of Ray Stevenson's storyline. But that would probably be for another show. His talent truly commands the screen.

    Ahsoka's fight scene with Morgan was better this time. Although I'd advise Rosario Dawson to take lessons on scenes.

    And Thrawn's dialogue to Ahsoka was awesome. Basically, his words are his weapon. Great acting.

  4. I doubt it actually happens, but there is a very slim chance they do abeloth here. The statue of the ones, morai, and emphasis on shadows and starlight to describe a mysterious presence all could point to her (starlight is more likely a reference to the high republic comics). The father was pointing to something hidden away. Baylan is seeking someone strong enough to break the cycle of war, death and destruction between Light and Dark. The vague reference to “the beginning” is reminiscent of her old background. Baylan suspected the great mothers were fleeing a far more dangerous power.

    Again I’m not saying that’s what they’re actually doing, so please miss me with the “kathleen kennedy would never allow this” rants. The idea does kinda make sense.

  5. That Morgan fight was the best representation of sword fight in the whole show. Quick, dashing and spaced perfectly. The physicality of beauty and barbarism combined. Eskrima, Kali, Arnis, your blade still breaths a soul. The physical representation of a east and west martial art perfectly combined as one.

    Diana Inosanto is truly the GOD DAUGHTER of BRUCE LEE and DAUGHTER OF DAN INOSANTO!!

  6. This whole storyline and character arc could’ve easily been the sequel trilogy and Disney wouldn’t have found themselves in the mess they’re in now. But alas rather than think of what is marketable to the masses they double down on what has become the ugliest ever elephant in the room. Filoni/Favreau 2024

  7. I believe the zombie stuff goes far back as Rakata as they can influence robotics with organics like a zombie disease.

    Hopefully we get more Darkside Alchemy to explore the many scary plagues that showed up a lot after the Original Trilogy and hopefully kills off the Sequel Trilogy. Unless that was a plague in itself.

    For now at least Disney is answering the call….THE CALL OF ABELOTH!

  8. terrible episode. star wars manifesting into zombie apocalypse. overall, disjointed, non-sensical and horribly written first season. baylin was the only reference of fascination and dichotomy. tterrible episode. star wars manifesting into zombie apocalypse. overall, disjointed, non-sensical and horri

  9. Maybe the light from that mountain Baylon is looking at isnt pointing to Abeloth but instead to what actually created Abeloth. Maybe that light is the way to the "Font of Power" and the "Pool of Knowledge".
    Im also wondering if what they're taking to Dathomir are live Dathomirians in some sort of Kryostasis. 😮

  10. if they introduce abeloth then they have to reintroduce ani right? in physical form that is. perhaps verify that he takes the fathers place, and then have him beat abeloth? The ones fleeing form abeloth doesn't make a whole lot sense either considering the father>Abeloth. And the father explains why they went to mortis. Abeloth wasn't the reason

  11. I honestly believe that the reason the daughter isn't in the statues is because the own we see in the last episode is morai, and hence no statue of her. I could be wrong of course. Although i hope anakin will take the fathers place

  12. Who cares about this no nothing show. The real Star Wars tragedy that just really occurred is the way better written Prequel democracy ending of U.S. congress where Pelosi Yoda was absent from the Senate and Mace Windu Jeffereys allowed the vote of no confidence by Jar Jar Gaetz that ousted McCarthey Volarian 😮 jvfxdxjb

  13. I really really hope that they don’t come up with some weird way to explain Baylan’s absence in season 2 (or any other new Star Wars show) and just recast him. Lucas films need to learn most of us are cool with recasting if done right. I’m looking at you, Luke.

  14. Its NEVER explained WHERE DID HE GET A KYBER CRYSTAL from in the 1st place? What did it just come out of thin air? Did the "FORCE" just hand it to him? Plot Holes 🤦🏾‍♂️🤔

  15. I believe the Father, Son and Daughter originated from Peridea, the Father imprisoned Abeloth there, making that galaxy almost inaccesible, and creating the Tesseract of Mortis we see in TCW in order to prevent his children to wreck havock in the land of the living.

  16. The episode itself was terribly written, paced, and shot for the most part, probably the worst of the season. But the lore itself and it’s over narrative trajectory/implications it’s building is very exciting.

  17. I hope its not Abeloth, lets be honest she has to be nerfed alot and i also dont think the timing makes sense. But what i could imagine is that major plot is thrawn with abeloth maybe be kept for the new jedi order film`s or what ever they are called


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