Star Trek: Picard CLIP 3×1 – Picard And Riker Meet Captain Shaw (2023) HD

Star Trek: Picard CLIP 3×1 – Picard And Riker Meet Captain Shaw (2023) HD


29 thoughts on “Star Trek: Picard CLIP 3×1 – Picard And Riker Meet Captain Shaw (2023) HD”

  1. Captain Shaw comes across as a new version of Captain Jellico. Very rigid and hard-line commanding officer, who isn't about to bend to a request just because of the reputation of whose making it. Realistically, he is right. He has his orders from Star Fleet, and a Captain of equal rank with no additional authority alongside a retired Admiral can't change that.

  2. Yep, definitely how it should have played out.
    In any organization, discipline is key.
    Your ppl just can't do or say what they want without consequences.
    There is also a chain of command that must be adhered to.
    Unless someone has specific orders, grand adventures are not permitted.
    Remember, even Kirk was court-martialed for stealing the Enterprise.
    (He saved the planet, so he gets a slap on the back, I mean wrist, afterwards.)

  3. See, this is one of my problems with new Trek. When Picard was a captain, he wasn’t some cowboy diplomat who played by his own rules and did whatever he wanted. He always did his best to follow Starfleet protocol, and could be very inflexible about it at times. Riker was a little more relaxed, but he still wouldn’t disregard the rules or disobey orders unless following the orders he was given would put his ship or people’s lives at risk.

  4. Snide remarks, jittery, seemingly on edge to make sure people know he's an arse. It comes off as more of a parody of a person who's a jerk commanding officer, IMO. Someone brought up Jellico. That was far more natural, AND the character exuded confidence. Same can be said of Admiral Nacheyev. This guy doesn't strike me as a confident captain, rather a snotty desk jocky-HR guy.

    The acting is not at all bad, but at the same time, it feels out of place for someone in that position with the job of explorer.

  5. Starting to get it…surprise inspection, course change….Shaw prob did research on who these guys were and their past…and I bet many new officers looked down with disdain on those involved with the Borg, viewing them as weak as to ‘let’ that happen, having never had contact with a borg ship, much less never having been assimilated

  6. Two acquaintances of the commander, with a history of disobeying orders, violating the prime directive, and getting a lot of people killed, pop up on the maiden voyage of his new command. Attempt to play to his ego to get their way, then start telling him how to run his ship, and threaten him if he does not comply with changing course, refusing to tell him the truth as to why.

    He then side-steps the threat, tells said Interlopers to pound sand, finishes eating his food, and walks out the room like a boss.

    I love this guy.

  7. ironically this is how Geordie is portrayed in the novels around Barclay. In one Barclay is aboard a star ship and is about to become lt commander of engineering. But moments before it happens, in struts La'forge and just belittles him. Talks him down. "Hey remember that time you disobeyed Captain Picard and wired your brain into the computer? Or the time you disobeyed an Admiral and hijacked an entire space station? Or the time you were being honey trapped by a double agent? Good times buddy. Good times." That brief exchange had Barclay black listed and La Forge becomes the chief of engineering. SO Barclay resigned from that ship and goes to another one. A year later, who shows up? La-forge. Same attitude. Belittles him to the captain and crew, everyone looses respect so Barclay again leaves, and spends the rest of his time grounded on Earth because of his bully. I see Geordie in Shaw.

  8. Let's see.. We just.. Magnetically seal his door and any possible jefferies tubes that might be going there, disable his command codes and any voice access he might have in his quarters, and do it anyways 😀

    Though I'm curious. He refers to Picard and Riker as cowboys.. How come we didn't get to see those episodes? Picard was fairly strict with a lot in TNG..


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