Star Citizen Week in Review – MASSIVE Progress towards Actual Gameplay?


◆ Twitch: Sunday-Friday 6:30am EDT

Thursday Patch Notes:
Zyloh Wipe Post:
Zyloh Pre-Wipe:
Roadmap Roundup:
Monthly Report:
Sneak Peek:
Subscriber Flair Post:


39 thoughts on “Star Citizen Week in Review – MASSIVE Progress towards Actual Gameplay?”

  1. Please don't take the massive title seriously, its a common joke in my discord community and I hope you can tell by the intro its a little joke I am playing. While I am super excited for some of the things coming.

  2. Grats Saltemike, I hope you make it through the content drought (not easy to be a SC content producer these times with no news and a shitty patch on LIVE with incomming wipes 🙂 ).

    My main account is also broken (has no eyes but without character reset I need to wait for a wipe). Having 2 wipes comming created now a 3 patch wipe sequence, I hope they increase quality of the stuff they deploy somehow away from the current all time low we currently have.

  3. Good luck on this new chapter of your career as a Youtuber. Your content has always been great, Im looking forward to see how better it gets with you going fulltime.
    Wish you the best! 🎉🎉🎉

  4. The removing of people joining the local ship channel is a mistake. You could easily tell if you had a stow away now you won't be able too. You already have party chat to communicate. If they were really trying to fix the issue they could just auto mute the ship channel and keep it as is. This change only makes piracy easier and ship defense harder.

  5. I don't know. I feel like if they created more episodes to fill in the gaps, they would feel like filler episodes … because they would BE filler episodes. And then people would be complaining about an episode being a nothing burger. If people are going to complain regardless, they might as well do the thing that takes less time away from development.

  6. You know I never hear much about Squadron 42 what the hell happen to that to me that's the only thing I want is the single player game that they, from the start told us would be out buy 2013 but hey still it's 10 yrs later and still nothing cause this game as been a scam to get your money on the multiplayer side they hint at getting SQ42 out but never do so screw this game till then.

  7. Errrrrr, not able to get into the game.. nor since 3.18 hit – same issue when 3.17 hit… progress? Nope BUT the need something to make money when something works a little during free fly… 3.18.x if nearly 4 months late and still didn't work. Maybe they need to work on getting a final release and add more in 18 months time. Get out of alpha so we can hold them to account for a product that, after all the money, doesn't work properly

  8. I'll be honest, the lore for 3.19 doesn't impress me because we have to get there first, we have to wait and see how the next two versions of 3.18 is even going to be. CIG focusing on the "what if," and maybe for 3.19 shouldn't even be a focus if they can't even get the 3.18 versions working as intended, 3.19 doesn't sell me if we're having this much issue and concern with the state of the game right now. It works all fine and dandy of their end with limited ppl (devs) playing the game, but it'll always be a question of when it goes live, it doesn't even count in the ptu honestly.

  9. Wake up… There's no reason to do the wipes other than to keep players spending real money on ships… If they can exempt real money purchases, then they can exempt everything else… Their justification is pure BS…

  10. The simulation of trash kind of makes me nervous I remember playing elder scrolls and it was like that and I started duplicating items and they just sat on the ground and eventually cluttered up the game so the save didn’t even work. I hope it doesn’t get that bad in SC that’s a lot of data and processing power to simulate trash.

  11. It did always seem odd to me that I could commit mass genocide and then go and work for Crusader Security the next day, lol. Definitely needs to be more long term rep systems. Of course, they would have to fix NPC's dsync and teleporting in front of you. So many players would rage quit if they ruined their stellar backround checks bc of SC bugs.

  12. We as “testers” in a game “user development” found bugs “exploits” so a wipe was then inevitable. No fault on anyone but the devs here. 3.18.2 wipe is interesting. Is it so they have a known baseline / starting point or something else?

  13. Doing my research on star citizen because I'm thinking of buying it and your videos on the content updates etc have got me hyped to buy the game. But I'm still unclear on the wipes. So when the wipes happen we'll be reset back to whichever starter pack we bought along with whatever ships we bought with real cash? Am I understanding it correctly?

  14. The ISC hiatus is a summary of working at CIG. I'm sorry but it has to be said, what other fucking content creators can take a month hiatus like it's the way it goes? And what content creator with like, 15? People Jared said the other day? Even if you only have 3 people, a hiatus shouldn't exist.

    The only reason it does is because CIG is the King Snail and there is no content to speak of.

    The hiatus isn't for ISC, it's for CIG.

  15. Hi Mike, this bursts my pipe dream of one day meeting you live at your casino “ the dream played out with me coming up to you and complaining that there’s something wrong with my drink that it was just way too “salty”


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