Star Citizen AMA – Let's Talk Alpha 3.18 & Beyond

Star Citizen AMA – Let’s Talk Alpha 3.19?!
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00:00 – BoredGamer Stream Intro
05:00 – Star Citizen Stream Starts
1:00:00 – End of Stream

#StarCitizen #BoredGamer #CitizenCon


23 thoughts on “Star Citizen AMA – Let's Talk Alpha 3.18 & Beyond”

  1. Bored, get yourself a bicycle and you'll be able to eat all you want and trim down. In your house-hunting, look for being within 2km of your daily shopping and other services and that's do-able. You'll want some decent rain gear to keep it up year 'round, but think of the years you'll add to your life to spend playing video and board games 🙂

  2. 36:12 I've had numerous of those scammers message me (both from your channel and countless others). Reporting each and every single one of them as they come. I hope no one falls for this junk. Thank you for speaking out against it, Bored!

  3. The trick with Star Citizen, and much of life in general, is low expectations. If you genuinely expect nothing, you won't likely be disappointed and will instead be elated when even small things come your way.

  4. When I'm introducing someone to SC, I always notice how much stuff I have to tell. Completely is extreme, but those being with the project for a couple of years already aren't aware of that… 😉

  5. BoredGamer: "Don't worry, we'll have a live build next week."
    [Next week]
    BoredGamer: "I made a mistake, but a LIVE build is well on it's way with only a few blockers. We can expect a LIVE build a week, or two weeks from now."

  6. It's not the same when you're so "down to the ground" Bored
    There are blockers in 3.18, but the last three patches felt ok. If I must say, the last one is no so WOW as the previous one. Even so, I hope for mid/end February for live with 2-3 months 3.18.1 patch.

    Not even thinking about 3.19 hahaha


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