SS Hilbert To The Rescue Again?? Ice Rebuff SS Hilbert & SS N Team Showcase! | Pokemon Masters EX

Video Title: SS Hilbert To The Rescue Again?? Ice Rebuff SS Hilbert & SS N Team Showcase! | Pokemon Masters EX

Trying out a team with Synga Suit N & Black Kyurem + Sygna Suit Hilbert & Genesect with ice rebuff in Pokemon Masters EX!

*Remember, Datamined info is not official or 100% accurate, it can change at any time!

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21 thoughts on “SS Hilbert To The Rescue Again?? Ice Rebuff SS Hilbert & SS N Team Showcase! | Pokemon Masters EX”

  1. Just accidentally pulled SS N. Gotta say… he's fun! My best ice unit was Calyrex, whose alright. I think N's fun to use. The rinse and repeat of constantly debuffing the opponents and getting those free turns for Freeze Shock is slick and lets other units use that free move gauge for themselves.

  2. 55k on a non-sync move is underwhelming…wow…most pairs can't even reach that high with a sync, especially without a zone. And it's a move, meaning it doesn't suffer from the dumb sync RNG that can screw over your runs. B Noble Roar is only better to skip off-type because it truly does lower your DPS, but on type, you actually do way more damage to weave it in. The 50% increase from the SE up makes up for the third move, since 50% + 100% = 150%, then you multiply by the 2 turn to get 300%, dividing it by 3 for the 3 turn to get 100%. But then you get a stack of physical move up, which is adding another 40% to your moves, so it literally doesn't even out and adds more damage.

    The goal of Freeze Shock is to have a burst attacking move that hits almost as hard as a sync, but obviously doesn't hit hard like a sync because it's more spammable. Calculating it through damage per turn is like trying to calculate sync damage by turns, in which it takes 9 turns per sync, making even the highest nuke in the game do barely over a million with both a field and -2 rebuff. Not the same type of damage, so you shouldn't judge by those standards. Burst is burst, dps is dps. If you don't want to go over thresholds to avoid triggering enemy buffs, then you burst to avoid it. You want to kill someone squishy quickly, then you use a dps so you don't have to tank a potentially deadly move. It's honestly not that hard when you actually put in the effort to understand it.

  3. Hello everyone I have a big problem rn with pokemon masters ex which stops me from playing the game. My game is crashing everytime I try to play the game Im starting a mission want to skip the talking and it crashes immediatly even if I dont skip the dialouge it still crashes after a few seconds pls if you know to fix it tell me

  4. His B move should've been usable between the waiting time between freeze shock, so the pattern should be freeze shock, b move then you fire the freeze shock. That would've made him 10x times better, but DeNa decided to be stupid

  5. SS N surpasses my expectations in practice. They're a fantastic secondary DPS that chunks, statuses, debuffs and consumes no guage after the first move. You just can't really use them as a solo DPS.

  6. SS N actually surpasses all my expectations. He is definitely one of the units of all time in this game. Not only does he have a Pokemon, but he also has moves. Not only that, he also has a sync move. He blows my mind!

  7. SS N actually surpasses all my expectations. He is definitely one of the units of all time in this game. Not only does he have a Pokemon, but he also has moves. Not only that, he also has a sync move. He blows my mind!

  8. We could definitely say "it could've been better" for every unit in the game, but for this one specifically, I think any form of aoe-ification of either his dps (w/ Extend Range) or Sync (w/ Expanded Sync) or both would've counteracted the two-turn timing problem. I think I'd prefer the aoe to be on the Sync at least if not both b/c then he doesn't even have to bother clicking either of his left buttons. Just Ice Beam->Ice Beam->tm (just to keep countdown simple) and use maybe P.Marnie+C.Elesa for the remaining multipliers (if you have HS1 on one of them, you could also use one fewer Ice Beam b/c you'd only need two actions from each unit). For tanking, P.Marnie has Endurance, and her only job would be finished after clicking Growl twice (w/ Might Afflictor 9). C.Elesa's job is similarly done after clicking Nuzzle (for both of N's 60% multipliers)->tm (for countdown). What an amazing team this could've been.


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