Squid Surging is Situational at Best

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28 thoughts on “Squid Surging is Situational at Best”

  1. Ironically the only time I’ll surge is if I have a bunch of special action up, like on a blaster. It charges to full in a fraction of a second and can beat mashing b but only if you run a bunch of it.

  2. I have only ever used the surge in Salmon run on fish sticks. It’s charge time is too long for it to be of any use in PvP.

    If they gave us more inkable walls and a shorter charge time maybe the tech would be worth something

  3. They should add map features that require squid surges like in the secret level of the story mode! It could be a cool situational flank route or something along those lines. Squid surges kinda just feel forgotten right now.

  4. When I mash B it gives me a mini squids surge anyways, free armor and I don’t go very high at all. Probably not great but it’s goofy.

  5. I main dapples and run shoes with pure intensify, the surge time is almost instant and i can dodge roll if i need to get to the ground. The bit of armor helps and ig im one of the few exceptions where squid surging is fine in most cases

  6. I do opt to squid surge a couple of times, depending on the situation. And since I have intensify action, my surges charge quick, so in case there's a backliner perched up, I can surge to get the jump on them because it makes it more difficult for them to shoot me as I pop out in front of them and dualie dodge roll to keep myself as a moving target

  7. Honestly the most important use for it is a non-painted wall it’s a very good way to get up the wall without having to paint more and do that weird thing we were like on the wall in your painting at the same time you’re trying to go back to squid mode accidentally fall down the whole wall

  8. I'm a Splatoon 1 veteran who always forgets squid surge is a thing. And when I do remember it, I always felt it was a "stealth" option to cover only half a wall then get up, rather then paint the whole wall (and likely have shots go over the ledge) and reveal where you're going to come up to people who wouldn't be looking there otherwise.

  9. There is another use case, when someone is camping an area with bombs, if an enemy bomb goes off while ink armor is active you'll tank the bomb and be able to retaliate

  10. Yeah, even though I've gotten into the habit of rolling, the surge is just not useful UNLESS you're going up something not fully painted. The few squid surge spots that do exist barely even matter in the grand context of the game.

  11. It always baffled me they introduced the Squid Surge and went out of their way to make sure it was absolutely useless on every multi-player map.

    Maybe one day they'll buff Squid Surging to give you more armor or something so that it's actually useful for ambushing players from a wall.


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