Spotify’s Mathematical System For Determining Your Music Taste

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Video written by Ben Doyle

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40 thoughts on “Spotify’s Mathematical System For Determining Your Music Taste”

  1. It's trash; I clicked on a playlist link once, listened to one song, then quit. The playlist in question continues to persist at the top of the app for the past 6 months despite me never having revisited it in all that time, nor have I wanted to

  2. It’s pretty terrible as it has me down as a mainstream house fan whereas i actually listen to lofi and rock mostly. It’s because it must have seen i have a few catchy house tracks in my library and then that’s all it recommends me. I’ve stopped even looking at the playlists it makes me, shame because it has a lot of potential

  3. YouTube and Spotify are like the only things I pay for except for occasionally paying for Disney or Paramount when stuff I want to watch is on… You have to use YouTube to find new artists I think… Spotify is excellent but sometimes is limited in exposing you to new stuff. Sometimes I random search for a genre you're interested on YouTube will reveal a new set of genre or artists that you've never heard of before. So far I've had great luck with this combination.

  4. Something you have to stream with your data and pay a monthly fee is a no go for me. It like paying double for a thing so doesnt matter how good the playlist is for me, it still suck if you are not using the service.
    Furthermore I am abu sayyaf or jack sparrow.

  5. Spotify has never worked well for me. I use Pandora, with a few wildly different stations (like, Jeremy Soule on one side and AJR on the other, with another set with Tom Leher and Weird Al) and shuffle. Each station gets more robust while the wildly different stations don't confuse each other.

  6. Song radio and the "fans also like" section at the bottom of an artists profile work perfectly for finding new stuff…

    The algorithm "for you" playlist thingy usually sucks ass.


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