'Splosions don't work on MJOLNIR | Lore and Theory

In this episode: We discuss explosions, and their effect on both the human body and how MJOLNIR performs to attenuate for these effects.

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33 thoughts on “'Splosions don't work on MJOLNIR | Lore and Theory”

  1. A Halo game where we play as normal marines or odsts and a “power up” or “kill streak” type reward is a spartan, that is pretty much bullet proof to everything except the power weapons like the sniper rifle and launcher, and the launcher needs a direct hit

    You could make a game where they are lore accurate, but they would need to be limited

  2. It sounds like it would be incredibly hard to kill a Spartan wearing Mjolnir. Like, only plasma based weapons will guarantee a kill while other type of weapons might just distract or at most throw around the Spartan.

  3. Other videogames: you heal from gunshots and explosions in 10 seconds, but in the cutscene, a single gunshot can kill you.

    Halo: you can be killed instantly with a plasma grenade, vehicle impact, or .50 cal AP round to the head, but in the cutscene, you can fall from orbit and only sprain your wrist.

  4. SPARTAN IIs are aware of splosions. And as the covenant is out to get 'em, will be very near to the epicentre of splosions, so will be thrown by the sbockwave. But thats about it. Unless its a plasma blast…. eh… another story.

  5. I mean falling from space's impact is not enough to hurt them and 50 cal on a 2 inch titanium block did nothing on demolition ranch's channel so honestly any of the guns in game won't work to the unshielded mjolnir besides a direct explosion from the spnkr, hydra and plasma grenades along with all the plasma weapons as titanium has a lower melting point than steel. No, not even the frag grenade direct hit nor the explosion from the spike grenade but the spikes not so sure as we don't know the material physics behind those spikes same with any of the non-explosive brute weapons but likely direct hits from the brute shot might also work and the gravity crushing effects of the gravity hammer/mace/golf club as titanium is also not so resilient to compression AE: ocean gate sub with it's titanium cylinder containing the people.

    It's safe to assume that since mjolnir is fully sealed for the void of space then none of the initial type of injuries will affect them unless they don't have their helmet on or have a switch like in a car that lets them breathe air from the outside. No debris can be big enough and fast enough to hit or pierce harder than the highest armor piercing rounds and even those should not actually work and the direct effects of the shockwave should be easy for mjolnir as noble team even took a direct shockwave from a nearby glassing without even stumbling and falling from space is so much higher than smaller blast waves specially when on armor or partial armor lock. Lore wise Spartans in Mjolnir are pretty OP. There are still inconsistencies similar to 40K lore on books just so people with regular bullets can stand a chance against spartans for story reasons so plot armor of some enemies can still pierce it.

  6. Effect of the rocket launcher isn't so simple, depending on the warhead used the effect of direct and indirect impact can vary a lot.
    A HEAT rocket landing at a spartans feet wouldn't do much more than making them flinch a little and draining a bit of the shield, while a direct HEAT impact would obliterate the body part it hits just like when it punches though a tank.
    A HE rocket wouldn't have much difference between a direct and indirect hit, except for the direct hit having the additional kinectic energy of the rocket draining the shield, and would probably be quite effective at injuring a spartan. HE rockets are quite a lot more powerful than grenades and at a certain threshold the shockwave cannot be fully absorbed by the suit and will damage the spartan's internal organs.

  7. Having a lore accurate version game mode would be kinda scary considering the weapons that would have to be used to kill a Spartan. I wonder what kind of our nowadays artilery system would have to be used to kill a spartan (things from the 155mm artilery all the way to cruise missiles)

  8. I’ve been in 5 IED detonations…. Mine weren’t even that bad. I’ve seen much worse but man… that shit is rough.
    That’s being in full MRAP vehicles too.
    I’ve been near countless detonations as well. Either from friendly or for explosions. Just even being near a significant blast can be rough.

  9. Ok for this idea it’s kinda stretching but you can assume the first drag grenade would destroy the shield and the second grenade could if very unlucky hit a critical part or damage or injure the spartan, tanks are spuriously weak still against explosions

  10. Gameplay reasons are mentioned but it needs to be clear for everyone. Lore should never dictate the direction of the gameplay and mechanics. Lore should explain what happens in the game if needed.

  11. You should make a series out of these: differences between the games and the lore. There's lots of stuff like the explosions that, for gameplay reasons, are in the games but according to the lore shouldn't actually be that way. Love your content!

  12. H4 established that multiple player matches are essentially simulations, so i always just assume the ammo and explosives used on each Spartan are designed to shutdown the armor for a short time simulating death

  13. A great video idea would be to point out all the inaccuracies of Spartans (and maybe Elites) are in gameplay compared to lore. Like how you said a warthog wouldn’t even have enough power to “splatter” a Spartan or how easily spartans are dispatched with standard issue frags when they have energy shields and titanium for the armor and body suit that should render them effectively harmless.

  14. Bro please leave the year 7 editing to the act man. Your style was perfect before. I’m turning the video of after leaving this comment, I watch your videos to chill out not LAUGH OUT LOUD AT THE ABRUPT EDITING THAT MAKES REFERENCE TO FUNNY THING ONLINE LOLOLOLOL

  15. The more I watch these the more it makes me realize just how terrifying Spartans must have been to the covenant. Imagine stomping on alien races back and forth across the galaxy just to find some more monkeys that were half the size of your last ones you met. You of course just smear them into a paste and keep moving. Next thing you know you have a large metal monkey shrugging off plasma and grenades and cutting down your troops with ease. Seems like glassing planets might truly be the only economical option there…

  16. While explosions maybe seen as an obvious weakness to Spartans. There has been research from DARPA that an electromagnetic field such as ones in halo could reduce most if not all blast waves. They’re actually trying to integrate this tech into MRAPs and other transports. The problem being is power and cost. Now fragmentation is still a problem but that’s why the armor exists. It may not be able to stop let’s HEAT round but at least it’ll stop repurposed ordnance from insurgents.

  17. Yea I get what your saying and all but can you explain to me why I can get 1 shot snipe instant kill by a jackal in legendary in halo 2. LMAO 😂 I'm trolling. Thanks for this video love these videos, also love the "exploooooosiooonnn" song Everytime you said it lol had me rolling


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