Spirit Island Solo Playthrough: Finder of Paths Unseen vs Habsburg 6

Wow what a clean game! With a very crucial first few turns, Habsburg was locked from doing anything all game. I got really lucky …


2 thoughts on “Spirit Island Solo Playthrough: Finder of Paths Unseen vs Habsburg 6”

  1. I really like your matchup thoughts and insights in the description! It’s a nice add to the content! Enjoyable game, looked clean and accurate, I’m not a good rules lawyer.

    My first trickster England 6 game went like this, like a turn 5/6 T2 win, I was sure I messed something up. So I played it again and got a similar result, like turn 8 with a single major use to clear an extra city. Sometimes it just goes smooth

  2. Great to see some spirits on the channel I personally struggle with! Finder is one of the spirits I avoid playing a bit because it's such a brain burner for me!

    I'd love to play the Horizon spirits on TTS, are you able to talk a little about how you got them in there?


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