Spirit Island: Major Power Tier List: Part 2

Sweep Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwHzSXpz8CI&t=248s&ab_channel=RedReVenge
Cast Down Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqo5gasCJUk&list=PL7VhWAfBC-gCmmA7mYb_yOE4AUd8o2Bho&index=15&t=1237s&ab_channel=RedReVenge


11 thoughts on “Spirit Island: Major Power Tier List: Part 2”

  1. Excellent. Loved this series. Any chance of doing this for minor powers? 😀

    I found Focus the Land's Anguish has been surprisingly good in games where you've taken a modest amount of blight. The less obvious effect is that it will suck all the surrounding blight into one land which makes everything much safer since you no longer have to worry about cascades. It's very easy to threshold so you're typically doing 8-10 damage and 5 fear. For the one card, you're clearing one land, getting loads of fear, and possibly preventing future cascades.

    And Pent Up Calamity? 100% best major on Serpent. Serpent can hit the threshold by turn 3, has all 4 elements that it cares about, and the fast effect can usually solve a land by itself. Yes, Unrelenting Growth is very nice, but Pent Up Calamity can give Serpent the early game power it needs to be effective, and the earth/plant is perfect to hit an early activation of the proliferation innate.

    Keep it up!

  2. "If the target land and origin land is the same, you get to do 2 damage to everything"
    I have never thought about it like that, even after all my plays! Great video, like always. Your videos have really helped me in how I evaluate and draft cards in the game.

  3. You may have meant this but vitality negates the threshold on poison land unless it already has blight. No big either way. Bringer also likes savage ok I pretty much agree it’s F maybe C. It feels less bad than some Cs because of the cost 🙂 Fire and Flood… it’s mediocre to bad for sure, it’s also rarely drafted where you can’t got one threshold and the range is pretty great I think it’s in C just not as low on C, it’s bad but
    Not too many cards do much in 2 lands without even a threshold, and it sometimes just wins the game on the spot against Prussia or Sweden. I also think it should be 6 ish cost, low player count Ocean likes it pretty good. 🙂

    Great video! Are you gonna do something like best and worst minors?

    I really enjoyed the talk of threshold cost critique! Thank you! Oh I think Mist is in C, green clears lands with it, the range is good, super mediocre but it’s just more playable than the Fs IMO.

    Thanks again!

  4. I'm still stuck mostly playing minor spam spirits/stratagies. Maybe this tier list gets me more comfortable with majors so I can go more for them in my games.

    It seems like my playgroup overrates the low 2 cost for major, because Flow Like Water is probably one of the first considerations whenever picked and even Savage Transformation is considered like a high C/low B tier. Though this might be biased as I really like the beast spirits and play them quite often.
    And even with that I feel like Settle into Hunting Grounds is something we pretty much don't consider, as I always felt like Fangs wants its presence movement and many minds already has a presence=beast mechanic. Maybe I have to rethink that evaluation.

  5. Loved the video, can't wait for your Nature Incarnate content once we have spoilers! I'd certainly be interested to see a video on all of the spirits (not necessarily a tier list, but it's a fun format).

  6. Concerning Bloodwrack Plague: had a very fun Game with it as Memory against the new adversary. Played around four times into the Same land, twice with threshold to defend six lands at once. It does shine if you get it early and manage to stack up the desease tokens. 😊

  7. I never thought of storm swath in that the origin land and target land could be doubled somehow! definitely makes it stronger. seems great against France.


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