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Many thanks to the following:

Stories & Timestamps:
1. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/xyirxz/the_managerowners_of_my_bar_stole_a_300_dollar/ 0:00
2. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/y55v4v/sorry_is_this_a_business_or_a_rehab_center/ 5:19
3. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/y6ukrv/what_would_you_do_are_they_in_the_wrong_or_am_i/ 11:29
4. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/y3gh4r/manager_said_in_a_condescending_way_dont_get_your/ 18:55
5. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/yczq3d/the_one_time_i_got_petty_revenge_on_a_guest_but/ 22:41
Outro. 26:23

All images genereated by Stable Diffusion and Edited in Photoshop

George Street Shuffle Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

#funnyredditposts #restaurantmanagement #restaurantbusiness



  1. qotd: vampire: the masquerade – bloodlines, there’s an unavoidable game breaking glitch part way thru that needs an unofficial patch to correct, and it’s just clunky and old as sin, but it has a charm that none of the newer vtm games possess, though i still have my hopes up for the upcoming bloodlines 2 🤞

  2. QOTD: I can't think of any that I'd call "broken" really, but the one I've ran into the most glitches with is probably Genshin Impact. I do love the game- although I wouldn't call it broken. At most, I've just gotten stuck in a wall more than I'd like to admit! XD

  3. QotD: I've been fortunate enough to not really play many "broken" games, older games with glitches that couldn't've been patched at the time yeah, but most everything I've played ran pretty decently from the start unless it was like a licensed thing I can barely remember that was crapped out in a month tops to capitalize on a trend. Maybe the closest to this at present would be the first gen of Pokemon games, as they were pushing the Gameboy to its limits as it is so of course things were strained to near breaking point a la Missingno and its ilk, but then again my preferred method of revisiting Kanto (the FRLG remakes for Gameboy Advance) smoothed most of that out and even my very first Pokemon game (Yellow) had things a little more together than Red and Blue hehe…

  4. Waitresses are taking home $500 a night in JUST TIPS, which is what I was taking home a week at a 9:00 to 5:00 at an insurance agency, and they're out here b*tching and complaining oh we can't survive we can't survive we can't survive. B*tch I raised two kids on that a week. STFU

  5. Favorite image: #4, "Flying the Plane While Building It, Restaurant Edition." QOTD: I'm not a big enough gamer to have a good answer, so let's say the copy of Faxanadu I got for my old NES that seems to have glitched an important door out of existence. I can't progress, but I still play it for fun now & again.

  6. Ark: Survival Evolved. The dinos still have a wondering corpse problem but at least they stopped flying away. And just recently I lost a lot of things because a golem smashed everything through the ground.

  7. Qotd: There is this X Men Origins Wolverine game that I have for the PS3. The game has glitches that makes it freeze up sometimes until it reaches a point where it keeps on freezing over and over and you won't get any further than this point and no amount of restarting will help. From what I read it depends on the game disc if that will even happen – you can be one of the lucky people who gets a glitch free game and will be able to play all through it to the end without problems – or you will be like me and end up with one of the glitch discs. It was already an old and hard to find game when I bought it so I doubt I would be able to get another copy, let alone one that completely works. But despite a couple of freezes and restarts (even before I reached that particular point) I had so damn much fun fighting my way through the levels.

  8. Skyrim, I like to play a character with a tail and they never work past some level, my last one broke at level 9, recently no man's sky, maybe not completely broken, but why do the sentinels detect me when I'm literally buried underground in a not so clever get away?


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