q Spencer church destroyed by fire - New World videos

Spencer church destroyed by fire

The flames broke out at the First Congregational Church of Spencer shortly after storms containing lightning moved through the area. WBZ-TV’s Tammy Mutasa reports.


42 thoughts on “Spencer church destroyed by fire”

  1. God is always against those who disobey him and go with Satan and sin the way they want. It is a big God's wake up call to understand that what we do in life God watches us everyday.

  2. John 2:15-17 "Cleansing the temple" how dare you turn my fathers house into a marketplace… false church was trying to sell their twisted version of the good news for their own benefits and comfort. Jesus cleared house before and he will do it again if he has to.

  3. Deus é FIEL……a justiça é a base do seu trono
    Na verdade Deus precisa colocar um freio na boca do homem……seres sem limites…..Deus abate os soberbos mais da graça aos humildes…..

  4. This is just a preview of any sinful Christian church who supports and promote homosexuality – a kind of Sin that God hated. It's one of the the reasons why Sodom and Gomorrah were burned by God.

  5. Make no mistake! My invisible Sky Daddy is an electrician. He said building codes weren't followed so the steeple wasn't properly grounded. My invisible Sky Daddy then sent a lightning bolt to remind churches to follow building codes, and pay their fair share of taxes too, in order to fund a more robust fire department.

  6. Yes, looks like our world is heading toward that direction. But our God is Holy and Righteous and will not tolerate this abomination. Do you guys remember a church in Spencer, Massachusetts? A lightning strike that church after they celebrated pride parade. Call me crazy, but I think that’s a small version of Sodom and Gomorrah. God was having it… not on His watch!

  7. Hate doesn't come from above. I'm not a member of this church and never would be but I don't get the hate in the comments. If this was from god there would be a lot of stuff burning.

  8. God hates pride. It’s a sin. Don’t get why they don’t say they had a pride celebration in the church. Church is meant to be worshiping God,not crazy transgender people. PERIOD

  9. The Vikings didn't even mess with churches or children.. why are we allowing the LGBTQ? This should be a sign that this needs to stop.. start doing lobotomies on them.. being gay is a choice not a disease!


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