Spelljammer: The Quom

The Quom are widely feared across the Astral Sea, due to their single-minded quest to restore their god and right a terrible injustice done to them.

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#spelljammer #5e #Quom


42 thoughts on “Spelljammer: The Quom”

  1. Let's go! I remember your video on the shardminds and you meantion them Quom back then. It's awesome that you brought the back up with this new re-release of Spell Jammer. The missed the mark a little with this release though. Like where aremy blasted Gith?! I want to be a gith PC in AL.

  2. These guys look pretty boring, I wish there was more creative designs in dnd, spelljammer seems like the perfect setting to go absolutely insane with designs, but I keep finding quite boring designs.

  3. The obvious seems to have them meet the party bc one of the characters has a piece of their god on them but I think a better idea it's to have the party encounter The Quom in need. Kinda like coming across an old man looking for his glasses.

    The party bonds with them as they are asked to help rebuild a smashed device that helps them locate their god's presence. Only after completion it is determined that the party's most valuable magic item contains just what they're searching for! Suddenly the pleasant folk they have been helping turn coat and become VERY demanding indeed! evil DM laugh 😈

    Also one of them has the second face and casts sandstorm (SORRY! I HAD TO!)

  4. didn't Ao at some point determine bahamut's existence to be mandatory for at least realm space? does this make their potential desire to kill the dragon god a less or even more dangerous thing?

  5. I wonder if the reason that every Quom believes they are the final saviour of their people is that they all have a piece of Lakal in them.
    I wonder what would happen to Lakal if they get reassembled, will it be fine or will it be a Zombie God-Planet. I also do see some parallels to Atropus here.

  6. Bahamut sees the Quom: NO NO NO NO NO DON'T KILL ME I'M SORRY IM' SORRY I'M SORRY sobs

    Tiamat looking on: Laugh's in Chromatic Dragon while munching on the nine hells equivalent of Popcorn.

  7. An interesting scenario: The Quom finally put Locale back together and she is horrified and outraged by their actions.
    As for what happens next, maybe she just kills all the Quom (the boring answer). Or maybe her mind breaks and she goes mad. Perhaps she exiles all of the Quom, either forever or until they have truly atoned for their crimes. Or worst or all, it's possible she kills herself in her grief and despair.
    And then in the latter three scenarios, how do the Quom react? Denial? Despair? Descent into madness?
    And if it's the worst reaction, what if the Quom refuse to accept her divine suicide? What if her death once again shatters her into a million million fragments? What if they just do the exact same thing? What if it's already happened? What if it's already happened many times?

  8. Wow. What a cool idea for a multiversal villain! I could just imagine the Dark Powers of Ravenloft having a laugh by killing off a random Quom-containing character in one of the realms of dread. I wonder how the Quom would ever hope to locate such a piece.

  9. They're going to be fun to create names for. Racecar, radar, uh… ok harder than I thought. Unless we go for near unpronouncible like Vollov or T'wllwt'.

  10. I didn't like much about 4th edition, but goodness they went in on ways to have justified and interesting conflict between everyone didn't they? This whole thing is just on the side of too grim for me to have in my games, but it's compelling as heck. And the plot options for faithful of Bahamut, and Bahamut himself, are stunning.

    But also, that almost-throwaway just a couple minutes in, I…

    I'll save the full comment for the video on the Spellweavers that's promised. Suffice it to say, some people are probably thinking the same thing already, about a game with some of the best writing I've ever, ever seen in any media. But it's such spoilers, so;

    "For instance, I don't consider you to be truly alive, therefore I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you."

  11. I like them. Gender flipped a player once and that player got so mad, they left during the game.

    Luckily, we played another session and the player was restored after recovering a shard.


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