Speedy Beastmen! Nurgle vs Beastmen – Total War Warhammer 3

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41 thoughts on “Speedy Beastmen! Nurgle vs Beastmen – Total War Warhammer 3”

  1. Using Epademius exalted Plague barrer summon, along side the nurgle Cultist’s normal plague barrer summon. Is a very interesting idea, and I think this combo is legal for tournaments if I understand right,

  2. Maaaan I love seeing nurgle so much in this channel, it's one of the factions I really like. In lots of videos you can learn useful strategies or take some notes for improving in general, thank you Turin. May the Grandfather bless you!!!!

  3. It's cool how different units preform between dom and London battle epidemies is pretty bad in land batte because his buff has no demons left by the time it's good compared to the non-stop reinforcement ls in dom

  4. maybe im missing something but I feel like epidemius is good to take with a nurgling frontline, his ability charges based on unit deaths so less valuable units would be a more efficent and quick way to charge intensity, granted youd still want plaguebearers later in so maybe it pigeonholes your early call ins

  5. I just don't see Epidemius being strong in either game mode. Summon is nice, but he is a melee lord who can't pick his fights and his other abilities aren't that strong. I could see him being somewhat better in dom since he can stand a capture point and you can resummon daemonic units so his aura is more relevant. But in land battles his AoE buff is just bad because daemonic units tend to be the first to die off so he isn't left with much to buff.

  6. Rotknights are so cool, but I havent seem them perform in any matchup yet and it makes me sad. For 1.8k they should SLAP and be way more durable but they just seem to melt every time I watch them played

  7. In my anecdotal experience rot knights will put it down pretty well in a 1v1 with most cav. But when they’re fighting more than one unit they really struggle. Probably because of that low model count. Getting surrounded easily.

  8. I know they deliberately made tzaan/pestigors with regular gor stars instead of bestigor (even though on table, they WERE bestigors)

    But I really feel Beastmen could do with an elite anti infantry unit.

    I know they’re primarily a monster faction, but having at least 1 extra heavy duty infantry unit besides bestigors would be great.

    Not that Beastmen are lacking in multiplayer obviously, I just hope at least one of the Khorne/slaangors units are elite status.

    2 elite infantry isn’t a lot to ask in a faction.

  9. If you bring Epidemius you have to make sure that he's at the main game fight, and not standing on a side objective just to farm deaths. No point maximising the charge up versus maximising the use from it.

  10. Am I the only one that finds rotknights to be absolute trash atm? They just take so much damage, doesnt matter what they go up againts they get wrecked so quickly

  11. TBF Rot Knights were fighting with debuff from lord and 3 units of minotaurs GW. There were no way for them to shine. But I will agree that they are quite pricey and there need to be entire plan how to use them and protect them in order of them to work.

    And I am really surprised how close was that fight considering how much free was BM shooting.

  12. Should definitelly not let rot knights sit in melee against great weapon minos and spears they are ok in sustained combat but despite their cloud of flies ability they are best used to charge around not fight in sustained combat usually

  13. I feel like rotknights do best as shock cav, their regen can keep them in top form for most of the game and towards the end they can still clean up even elite units if used right.
    Long story short they are likely a unit with a verry high skill cap but the pricing can be prohibitive for sure.

  14. So, wouldn’t Epidemius synergize well with the Nurgle war shrine (with or without the Chaos sorcerer on top)? It provides a passive health regen that scales with unit deaths like the Tallyman aura, but it also provides a nice +10 leadership to nearby units, making your plague bearers pretty high morale fighters that come with an extra 40% physical resist and regen?


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