South Carolina beats Texas A&M for the first time ever

During the college football game between South Carolina and Texas A&M, South carolina beat Texas A&M for the first time ever with a 30-24 win. The Cocks are now 1-8 against the Aggies.

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(All rights go to ESPN, Fox, CBS, Universal Music Group, the NFL, NBA, NCAA & it’s broadcasters. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. No copyright infringement intended. For entertainment purposes only)



47 thoughts on “South Carolina beats Texas A&M for the first time ever”

  1. Why Beamer didn't kick the FG after stopping A&M is anyone's guess. It almost came back to bite him. When you have the chance for points to put the game away, you have to take it. I know the first down would have also, but the 3 points was almost a sure thing.

  2. Alabama dodged a bullet not having to play USC this year. πŸ˜…

    Congrats to the Gamecocks! I swear we need to see an Oregon State Beavers versus South Carolina Gamecocks match-up. "Cocks have to penetrate that Beaver defense to score!" "Cocks drove that one in, but it looks like the Beaver just let him score." "Beavers like it when the cocks are 3rd and long, very long."

  3. I’m glad youtube has cut back on the incredible long ads so I can enjoy your videos. I do not have TV, nor access to any football at all so have to rely on little snippets in channels likes yours. The long ads piss me off 1. Because of YT incredible greed and 2. I actually have to PAY to watch them since my internet costs so much and I have to pay for every second I watch.

  4. Texas A&M University has once again dropped the ball on its choice of an acceptable football team stadium entrance song. Within days of eliminating a song by Kayne West due to derogatory racial comments, they quickly chose a song laced with racial slurs and extreme profanity once again. But why? Giving them the benefit of the doubt, let's simply hope this is a mis-quided individual in the athletic department attempting to hone his trolling skills. Perhaps just being a good soldier and following orders? We may have a textbook social studies case here dealing with the decline and decadence of our civilization. Is the song "Bonfire" developed by the musical artist Childish Bambino, a result of that decline or a promoter of it? Perhaps both sadly. Does A&M really want to get involved with that? Regardless, the song runs counter to everything the university is attempting to present in the public sector. "Leading The Way", "Producing Leaders" etc. Its as disturbing as it is baffling.

    A reminder here of The AGGIE CODE of HONOR: "Is an effort to unify the aims of all Texas A&M men and women toward a high code of ethics and personal dignity ". Get prepared to hear some really outlandish takes to rationalize the existence of something that reflects so poorly on TEXAS A&M. LYRICS ARE PART OF A SONG.

    Are some university departments exempt from this code? What's really going on here at A&M?

    One of the chief obstacles to progressive change, is the fact that so few are even aware of the songs lyrics. That will change. Round 2-lets roll..


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