South African Reacts: Could US military conquer UK if it wanted to?

Join me as I offer my live reaction to the what would happen if America tried to conquer the UK!!!

The original video:

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24 thoughts on “South African Reacts: Could US military conquer UK if it wanted to?”

  1. I hate these soooo much. Here's the answer to ALL of them….yes, with little to no sweat, besides why in the hell would we do that?! There's probably not any 5 countries that could stop us if we really put our back into it! If we are coming for you, there's nothing anyone can do to save you, only our consciences that will determine your fate. So let's not entertain such bs, I hate thinking about it.

    Yes, attacking forces have a HUUUUUGE uphill battle over defenders…..remember what happened to the 4th largest military in the world when we rolled in??!!??!!

    We have a total of 20 aircraft carrying ships! 11 Super Carriers, 9 Escort Carriers/ Marine Aviation. Not counting Air Force and Army Air Corps. In total, over 15,000 aircraft.

  3. This scenario is interesting but it's only real value is showing us why both nations are stronger together.

    Also when he said carriers. He said 11 carriers but only 9 air wings. The US has 20 carriers total

  4. This video gives GB the benefit of the doubt. US aircraft carriers would not need the heavy maintenance during war much of this is preventative maintenence, which can be put off or performed while at sea. During war each carrier can carry up to 100 planes, not the 65-70 carried in peace time. The truth is that the Royal Navy would be decimated within 2 weeks. The country would be blockaded immediately and all oil cut off. GB's North Sea oil production rigs would be destroyed. Within 90 days GB would sue for peace or be completely destroyed. It is sad, but that is how it is.

  5. Dude, US couldn't take Afghanistan…..and is having problems with the poorest nation on the planet, Yemen. It can not make enough shells for Ukraine. It has a pedophile for president and Zionism took over the legislative branches. Are you asleep or something?

  6. We are not capable of much these days we have lost what was called our British Empire, we have lost our armed forces with dwindling numbers, we have lost half of our Naval fleet, they're either in dock, broken, can't fire a missile properly or missing an admiral wanting to man them, we only got about a dozen operational, but we are good and proud of one thing, that is False Flag operations.

  7. I don't think US would hope for success. We've seen the second army in the world having a big problems against 25-th. British are very capable and I think British people would be very motivated to defend their island on the beaches, fields and you know what I'm talking about

  8. No, the United States could not conquer the UK. Oh, in most wargames I'm sure the US could. Our military is far more powerful in that we spend a greater percentage of our GDP than Britain does and we have a much larger population. In addition the US could likely field a militia in the tens of millions very quickly. We have that many rifles in the hands of civilians who are at least partially trained. A citizen's militia isn't all that useful on the offense but it is good for defense or garrisoning conquered areas. We have the needed sea lift capacity to get troops there as well…

    But those things only count if you can convince people to fight. Do you think a significant number of Americans want to go to war with the Brits? No way, at least not without some insanely good cause. If, somehow, a President tried to order an invasion like that he would be impeached by his own party. Voting to declare war by a Congresscritter (our Congress has to declare wars and all military funding has to be approved by Congress) would be political suicide. And I'm not sure that the military would go along with it either, they might well just decide to drag their feet or outright refuse to go to war with one of our best international friends. And that militia I mentioned? It is only useful if the people serving think the war is worth them going through hardship and maybe dying for. Citizen militias are great at helping defend against invasions but completely useless, and maybe worse than useless, when it comes to bullying around our funny talking brothers on the other side of the pond.

    And, if the Brits gave us cause, like by nuking a couple of American cities, we would assume that it was an act by some rogue individuals in the UK Government and not the will of the British people. If that happened the British people would probably deal with the culprits themselves.

    And this doesn't include the international reaction. The sanctions every nation in the world would place on the US would devastate our economy.

    In short, the political and economic realities of war make an invasion by the US impossible.

  9. We actually have 20 carriers, counting the short take off carriers, but we have 11 nuclear carriers, One Ford class, 10 Nimitz class with with another Ford class to replace the next oldest Nimitz class, (they will ultimately replace all Nimitz class with Ford class carriers). but we have 9 Carrier strike groups.


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