Soul Knight But I Played Soul Knight Without Playing Soul Knight

#soulknight #soulknightnewupdate #soulknightbug #deadcells

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37 thoughts on “Soul Knight But I Played Soul Knight Without Playing Soul Knight”

  1. i am a dead cells player and i can tell you magic bow is actually a broken weapon that can 1 shot bosses with a special loadout also the projectile the vorpan shot its an affix that gave it that ability

  2. Some tips for starting dead cells :
    -when picking scrolls try to focus on only 1 color because damage is better than health as you always get +15% damage unlike health
    which is always gonna get decreased every scroll, and killing eneimies faster is always better than dying slower
    -shields are really powerful items. Learning to parry is one of the first things you have to master as it makes you take no damage from enemies (some attacks can't be parried)
    -try to get the crit condition to (obviously) crit with weapons. Some have high crit multipliers some have low but it's always good to get them
    -use skills. Skills are powerful items too. If you're not confident, let turrets do the job for you.

  3. Face flask is useful if have vengeance mutation. Vengeance: give you damage reduction and damage bost when you get hit by enemy, trap, or anything that can damage you. With face flask, you can damage yourself without losing your hitless-point

  4. Here is some tips for you(i finished game 3 times almost fully in 3 diffrent saves):
    -Learn how to use shield it's important
    -Don't buy items from shop in early game
    -Focus to one color (Red,Green,Purple)
    -Don't craft so many weapons if you craft you probably not gonna found weapon you want
    -There are runes in game(VERY İMPORTANT) found all of them there many tutorıals for runes (Don't worry it's not hard)
    -Giant probably is the easiest boss in the game when open his biome(Cave) you can go
    -There is a secret blueprınt ın the start zone called ''Disengagement'' unlock that it's very good for every player
    Also you say you are a assasin main and this mean you love close fight here is good weapons for close fight
    -Double Vorpan(Panchaku)
    -Hayabusa Boots
    -Hayabusa Gloves
    -Blood Sword
    -Balanced Blade
    -Meat Skewer(Rapier but better)
    -Pure Nail
    Boss Names
    1.Mama Tick(DLC)
    2.Time Traveler
    2.Scarecow (DLC)
    2.The Giant(Ultra easy)
    3.The Hand of the king
    3.The Servant(DLC)
    4.The Quenn(DLC)
    And the final boss name is ……
    5 bc boss(Spoiler i can' say)

  5. There's a button that is up the jump that make you do a roll that you can use for anchers or mage because you can put behind them and i don't renember if the roll has io frames.(imune frames)if you didn't now that guy from the end of the video is the first boss fight and you not take damage touching everyone(only you take damage if theres some type of aura or something)

  6. Tbh about this bug pet from soul knight ?
    He is always there when we download game and play it for the first time?
    Also how did you exported weapons and outfit from soul knight

  7. I'm suprised how many games made collabs with Dead cells if i renember at least was Shovel Knigth,Katana Zero,Terraria,Slay The Spire,Risk Of Rain,Hollow knight,Blastemus,Skull the hero slayer and Soul Knight (they are at least two more but i don't now their names and all collabs make a weapon and a secret oufit or called skin) and they made like 4 or 3 DLC and they will make a Castelvania DLC!!!(Castelvania is from CAPCOM one of the bigest companies in the world)
    I'm realy suprised what Motion Twin did(creators of Dead Cells) to have some BIG collabs like Hollow Knight or Castelvania, for me,Dead Cells is one of my favorite games 🙂


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