SORRY JOSH | Until Dawn – Part 2

Decisions were made and I’m sorry Josh but your vibes are weak!
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23 thoughts on “SORRY JOSH | Until Dawn – Part 2”

  1. I don't remember if this is every explained, but like, in the Ashley v Josh choice to kill.

    If you kill Ashley, does she actually die? And if so, that's a real death on joshs hands. Do we get him down when Ashley's dead.

    When you "kill" josh, it's a fake body, his body is behind the board and the body is fake (even though it clearly doesn't show that in the scene) so when Ashley is let out, did she or Chris just not see that josh was behind the board?

    I have so many questions on the continuity of that scene depending on your choice

  2. I love watching the re-run from years ago and the new ones…. I also feel really excited for jack to release the new episodes 😭🙏🥹 Jack has grown so much as a creator it’s super cool !

  3. Hey Jack just to let you know if you chose not to scare Jess with the mask then there is a whole other scenario with them two in the guest cabin before she gets taken by the wendigo.

  4. Jack last time: oh no! Somebody missed their hot dog and got their ketchup ALL OVER THE WALL!

    Jack now: don’t you know how hard it is to get ketchup out of the wall?

  5. 1:00:30 at this point in the game Josh dying supposed to throw you off his scent but it did like the exact opposite for me I chose to save him and the chainsaw still went and cut him in half so then I instantly paused the game and thought about it because at the time I worked at GameStop and this game was highly advertised as you could save every single character and because of the fact that I chose to save Josh and he still died I was like so he's the killer he's just he's still alive didn't get the other twist obviously but I knew right away that he wasn't dead yet

  6. Sense jacks is goin back and playing old stuff I would love to see him play god of war again preparing for the new one to release that was my favorite play through on the channel!!

  7. Is there ever an explanation as to why the wendigo are so stalky during the first half of the game but then turn full on apex predator once they’re revealed? Or is that just a convenience thing for a balanced story progression


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