Sons of the Forest – What Happens if You Kill Kelvin?

Here’s what happens if Kelvin dies in Sons of the Forest



44 thoughts on “Sons of the Forest – What Happens if You Kill Kelvin?”

  1. But how do I scroll down to tell him things to do I can only tell him follow me because I don't know how to scroll down idk which button or key I'm on keyboard and mouse if someone knows how to scroll down pls answer asap

  2. Sooooo, is it possible to get rid of his body if he is killed by cannibals? Listening to virginia weep every 30 seconds is a bit much, so just wondering if you can dispose of him, since you can't interact with his body at all…

  3. he died to a glitch in my game far into it and now he's gone permenantly, ngl that's an instant deal breaker for me lol. He was so helpful having around and without him the game is just going to be too damn tedious to fucking play.

  4. I played with and without him, it doesmt really make a differemce unless youre building. I prefer virginia because she actually helps fight cannibals and she has unlimited ammo

  5. So i saved our game.. and straight after my brother starts battering kelvin with a axe.. i shout "wtf are you doing?! Hes our easiest source of food etc" then my bro replies "its fine he respawn everytime you log in"..
    Next day we log back in to our multiplayer save and Kelvin is…. dead he wont come back… no more fish… no more sticks… no more free labour.


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