Sonic Frontiers Won

Super Sonic gameplay in Sonic Frontiers is insanely fun. Sonic Frontiers won.


34 thoughts on “Sonic Frontiers Won”

  1. Move towards boss before turning camera: gets smacked… CAMERA!!! lol a quarter second of patience may do you well my friend 😆 I only say that like that because that was loud as shit in my ear lol

  2. I’ve been playing it since it dropped, and GOOD GOOD GOD MAN I HAVE NOT BEEN THIS IN LOVE WITH A SONIC GAME SINCE PLAYING THROUGH ADVENTURE 2 FOR THE FIRST TIME ON STEAM! It’s so much fun~! And the lore dude! So much worthwhile😊

  3. I’ve never played a Sonic game on consoles just like some that were on mobile on my brothers iPod when I was little but when I was watching this I was like WOOOAH OOK HOLD UP THIS IS HYPE I MIGHT HAVE TO PLAY THIS LMAO THE MUSIC IS PEAK

  4. I finished the game today and kinda disappointed, but in the game itself but how repetitive it was really and that there's no NG+ nor can u keep the Emeralds at the end of the game because once u beat it, it takes u back to the title screen without being able to continue after beating story mode😕 But here's a tip: on each island there's a fishing spot where u can easily earn tokens to buy things (like items to make u stronger and have more defense, keys for emeralds, memory tokens for each character, skill points to unlock new skills, etc…)

  5. It's fun for me on the switch no frame drops for me it's run find for me imma still buy it for my ps4 pro but I had got God of War so I need to get more money first but the switch version is alright the only thing I would complain about Is.the camera angles that's it


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