Sonic Frontiers' Unused Fourth Island FOUND

The unused fourth island in Sonic Frontiers has always remained a mystery. However, a few days ago, a shocking discovery was made of what the unused island was going to look like! Let’s discuss this in today’s video!

Special thanks:
YourLocalKong – Discovery
Pila – Unused Sage Voicelines
Langtanium – Cyber Sonic Render
GDubA – Island Trace

Second Channel:
Switch Friend Code: SW-1394-4522-8810
PSN: SonicFazbear067
Xbox Live: CousinsSF

Music Used:
“Kronos Island – 3rd Mvt.” from Sonic Frontiers

#sonic #sonicfrontiers #sonic2023 #beta #cutcontent #sonicthehedgehog


47 thoughts on “Sonic Frontiers' Unused Fourth Island FOUND”

  1. My guess is: That island was originally meant to be Ouranos, and judging by how rough it looks compared to the others, it seems like it could've been high on rocky mountains or a similar biome. The circular area on the top left corner seems like the place where the worldship, rather than land, crashed as heard from Sage's line: "It is what remains of the ancients' worldship". It sounds like we were meant to find the ship pretty much wrecked or in pieces. Likely, we would've found the Silver emerald there as on the other islands, the silver emerald is always found on a structure or base of said island. Kronos on the floating platform over the mirror web thing, Ares on another similar one after a running parkour, Chaos etc etc. Just as likely, we probably would've fought Supreme on or inside the worldship.

  2. I’m pretty sure Sonic Team didn’t want to rush the game, the higher ups at SEGA did, this is a similar situation to Sonic 2 where we got a complete different (and less ambitious) game from the intended concept.

  3. I'm not mad at Sonic team they Just did what they could with the time given and with them already gotten a delay i don't think SEGA would have allowed them to delay It again, to finish the island, and since we don't have much from this Island i think is right to assume It was scrapped as soon as they realized It would take alot of remaning time they had.

  4. I would absolutely love if Sega or Sonic Team showed us development stuff for Frontiers and actually went in depth about it. The original idea for the game, what the planned ending was going to be before we got Kronos split into 3 and The End as a Galaga shooter, and other stuff. Of course that probably won’t ever happen. So I guess we’ll take any little scraps of info we can get

  5. I wonder if somebody could make a mod that would alter Ouranous to have the same layout as the OG Ouranous and takes place in the clouds with the ship landmark thing, and could also have floating islands and take place in the sky. I think that would be AWESOME.

  6. I almost wonder if this was maybe an earlier draft of what Chaos island was originally supposed to look like? Looking back at the map for Chaos island compared to the other islands, it looks really really small and sorta incomplete by comparison. This looks much more in line with the other islands structurally, having a lot more landmass and places to run. But there are also some features from chaos that are still present here, such as looking more rocky, having a big arena, and an open circular hole at some point on the island. This also kinda makes me wonder if Chaos island was originally supposed to be Ouranos island. When you think about it, while the main theme of the island is volcanic and icy, it is the only one that seems to be way up in the sky. As such, it would fit the bill for being named Ouranos perfectly. Plus, if you listen to one of the Egg Memos (I forget which one it is), Eggman says there are “three piddly little islands”, meaning at some point in development, they only intended there to be three islands, with maybe a fourth area to explore like the worldship, or something of the sort.

    Nonetheless, this is still a cool discovery. This game’s development as a whole has been super fascinating to learn about!

  7. If you go high enough up, you can see that outline on Ouranos.
    When I was messing around with the slingshot technique I took a screenshot high lighting a strange outline behinde the temple where the last emerald is. And it seems to match what's shown in the conference.

  8. I would really like if they made a bonus update that adds this old island big and reunites the kronos islands, and seeing that Sega is still willing to give us patches after all the updates, it kinda gives me hope that they would take their time to make another story update.

  9. Me:"Let's look at Youtube again. Maybe I got replies to comments or the rogue heart from someone."
    Youtube mainpage:"Sonic Frontiers' Unused Fourth Island FOUND"
    Me: 🤯

    Btw, it is actually kinda awkward to refer to this as "the 4th island that is missing" considering we now technically do have 5 islands. Do we start to call new Ouranos as "Island 6" or do we call it "Island EX"?

    1:17 That's glass, I will forever continue to refuse counting it.
    1:33 Actually, that does bring up one question. Did they just pull the name "Rhea" out of thin air to make a joke about how it is the sister "island" to Kronos or what happened?
    2:25 While it is entirely impossible to know what each of the terrain-pieces would have been, pretty much agree with your later theory that the upper left thing may be the abandoned wreck/ghost ship referenced in the voiceline. It vaguely lines up with the constructiontype we see in the flashback, it being bent and malformed(Probably because of it not being entirely intact anymore) notwithstanding.
    3:30 Final Areas not being so big is not an unusual things and even tho this is an unpopular opinion, I actually prefer smaller areas packed with content rather than big areas that cannot be filled. That is still why I liked original Ouranos(minus big being OP with Sonic's max level being too high, making bosses a joke. Someone mod the cap to 50.)

    Btw, I think that ironically, this actually could still fit as a 4th island in the final game in a potential "reimagining" of the game. After freeing the End on Kronos(The towers do not need to count as their own area, lmao), you travel here on advise of Sage because it could hold vital information about what is going on and a clue on how to stop The End. After completing the island by unlocking and exploring the ship, it somehow opens the way to the final island(I'm still undecided on what theming Ouranos should really have. Cyberspace or being on the outer end of the earth's atmosphere, it really could go either way). At the same time you gain access to the last island, optional trials open up. Not doing them ends with the ending the current game has in its main story and doing them unlocks stronger Super Sonic for Titan fights(It will break refights, but 99-hog already does anyways) and a better ending where Sage does not need to blow up supreme and idk, maybe Eggman actually takes the titan after they come back, with the catch that we know it is redundant because Sonic wipes floor with it anyhow in a 1v1 and he can already build weapons for mass destruction easily.(Good ending wouldn't be main canon in this idea anyways, at most this leads to a spinoff)

    Final Horizon…do we have to keep it? Yes? Ok, so I guess since it is very random anyhow that Sonic just jumps into a ring and travels to another world appearently, I'll just mark this as another "noncanon extension"(maybe someone else can come up with a better solution) where it takes place after the normal end and Sonic jumps into action trying to secure a timeline where Sage does not go boom, not knowing that Eggman already got an earlier version of her from cyberspace backup. As for the plot, I guess we just kinda take what we have as a basis and instead of the formal trial-setting, Sonic instead goes to put the spirits of the titanpilots to rest like the Koco from earlier in the game. Doing so gets the attention of L̶o̶r̶d̶ ̶S̶c̶r̶u̶b̶ Master King and Sonic gets challenged to the titan trial with the trial actually being explained as the enemies being reconstructed(and made stronger) from Sonic's memories, so we also get an EX Supreme and after winning, Sonic gets power again(Except a diffrent powerup from mainstory to keep it fresh) and fights the silly purple moon and The End actually destroys Supreme because it happened to still look at Sonic's memories earlier and thus knew that it lost in the other timeline because Sage made Supreme go boom. And after that, you figure out how this should be resolved.

    Yeah, a very uncreative fanfiction outline I wrote up for FH there, but it's very hard when we basically already assimilated most of the point behind Final Horizon into the mainstory earlier, lel.

  10. If I could give a hypothesis, Sage states that “these are the remains of the ancient’s worldship” so what if the original fourth Island was literally the airship after a millennia of plant life overgrowing the vehicle. There would be hills and forests that have formed over the ship, but you can still see remnants of it poking through, making the crescent shape of the final island. We can even justifiably explain why it isn’t a circular shape anymore, due to a combination of wear and tear and the fact the nature growing around it isn’t going to perfectly replicate that shape.

    Again, this is just a hypothesis, but I think that would be a pretty cool to take it. You could even have the ship eventually come back online and literally drag the island it was fused with into the sky, it live up to its name of Ouranos

  11. Hey i said this before but there's some cut combat machines like stunning enemies/boss(most likely with the normal cyloop) and some cut animations for the wolf and unused code that suggests that the wolf and eagle enemies were supposed to be fought like soldier enemies and speaking of the soldier enemies they have a unused code called "power armor" and more

  12. It looks like it has a humanoid shape, which is probably insignificant (and if you don't see it, I know know if I can explain it to you lol)
    When I saw the round thing I thought it was a volcano, so it could possibly be super duper early Chaos.
    Side not, Chaos could've had snow added last minute to make up for the cancelled snow island.

  13. I feel like it was ment to be ice and chaos was ment to just be volcanic and but when they split chromosomes into three they spliced together the ice and volcanic parts of proto-ouranos and chaos together

  14. Would you wait for 3 years with no new Sonic media for this game to be completely realized with all cut content restored and the unused island restored? I'm going to be honest, I definitely would. Seeing this game at it's full potential would be a whole new experience.

  15. Honestly i see the ancients world ship to be more like a typic linear level with something interesting at the end of it for progression, symilar ok how there is that thing floating on the air in chaos island wich is a 2D level, or the bridges on the top left side of ares island

    Something like that but for kronos, we all can agree that a linear level implemented in open zone like this is kinda missing in kronos, so probably would be just that

    Maybe in the final island would also be one of those idk,

    Other thing i see in the 4th island is that is as damage as chaos island, or even more, maybe it was the main battle field in the battle agains the end before heading into space and that would be great cause as more you advance in the game you start from island less damaged and the more you play you start to see more of what a war left behind, and that fits well the tone of frontiers so i can see this island having more ruins, destroyed robots, and lots more of war stuff being there, idk imagine a 5th titan completly destroyed there?

    (Makes sense cause there was 5 type of ancients on their home planet and titans represent each of those, so one of them is not represented)

    Still about the biome idk i like to see is like beach and jungle type, cause its the only thing the game dont has, but idk if that would be great for the final land but maaayyybe? The sky island was also a great possibility and can make sense, but idk

    Also beach island makes sense for me cause before the game release they said frontiers would have under water sections, and in the game the only thing that could have be considered like that is the kronos lake and thats dont look like enough for a game this big in map, so beach map would have more water sections and could be great as an endgame gimmick

    Also could be like the capital island of the ancients so ita rhe place with more big house structures skycrapers idk thats another possibility… We have kronos, the farm lands and kind of sanctuary, ares the military base, chaos the factory where machines and titans were made, and the last island as the main living place for the ancients

  16. I saw a lot of comments here considering the idea of ​​the Ark of the Ancients being part of this map… but I have another idea.

    Knowing that Kronos-Rhea-Ouranus is a single island, probably after defeating Knight, Sonic would return to Kronos to deactivate the towers there. And after that and Eggman accepting Sonic's help, we would go to the supposed Worldship of the Ancients that would also be on this island (Assuming that thing in the leaked trailer flying on kronos was really that).

    After that, inside the ship, we would have the revelation of the fourth island, which would be a surprise for the end of the game, since he himself teases with the possibility of a "Surprise Titan", and this would also explain Eggmemo who talks about the existence of only 3 islands, because not even Eggman would have known about this fourth one, which could only be accessed in some way by the Ancients' ship
    It is on this last island that we would probably have the fight against the final titan (Being the Supreme or what he would have been in previous versions).

    Access to the island could be in some ways, either through a location inside the ship, or even using it to access the island (it could even be the flying island, as many theorize)

  17. Man, after hearing how much things got cut from the game, it makes me think that Sonic Frontiers could’ve had actual GOTY potential. Like a masterpiece of a masterpiece, yknow?
    Sonic would be universally praised, instead of being a joke and seen as mediocre or just “ok at best”.

    Now imagine if SEGA pulls a SMB Wonder and doesn’t give them a deadline. We could have the perfect Sonic game – with some time of course.

    …But we know that none of that will ever happen, and I’m just a Sonic fan inhaling loads of copium.

    Either way, I feel like Sonic Frontiers was a step in the right direction to something great… except there are a flight of stairs…How many steps in the right direction are we gonna have to take…?


    Sorry for the rant. Despite all of that, I have hope for the future of Sonic!

  18. Some more context: this image is used by the game to know where to automatically place small foliage (grass, flowers, etc…) on the heightmap. The black areas are very likely cliffs or places which were supposed to be covered by terrain.


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